•Chapter 36 #Part.3

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≈Miami, FL...

(6:38 p.m)

It was finally time to eat and everybody was excited to feed their body. They couldn't wait anymore. Plus, the smell coming from the dining room wasn't helping. Each one of them was ready to devour everything, mainly Cora who was eating for two. 

"Food coma here I am." Nelson said licking his lips as looking at all the food before him. 

"Me too. Damn ! We're going to fight over some things. But these smashed potatoes, that turkey and everything else is all mine though." Kaldrick said licking his lips as well. You could also hear his stomach groaning. 

"Now, we all know you won't eat all of this, so stop with the lies." Acacia said with her arms folded. 

"Well, before to enjoy the food, we're going to say grace first to thank the Lord. Who wants to bless the table ? " Mama C asked looking around. Terry raised his hand jumping like a little kid in a candy store, "Okay, T. But no funny business, I know you." She warned chuckling and pointing her index finger at him. He always found a way to make the audience laugh. 

He nodded his head, "Okay. Bow your head and hold hands." They did as he said. He then cleared his throat and started singing surprising everybody, "Oh deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeear Fatheeeeeeeeeer, we're coooooooomiiiiiiiing toooooo yoo-"

"Terry ! Now, you know you can't sing. Stop ! " Kalia interrupted narrowing her eyes at him. The twins, Mikayla, Kalvin, Nelson and Latoya were sneering shaking their head.

"Hater." He mumbled before to began again. He cleared his throat a second time, "Dear Father, I respect everything you had and are doing in this world, but you should really have given Kalia a sense of humor, she's never funny and it's getting on my last nerves now..." Kalia shoot him one of her angry glare and he caught it, "...Anyways, we're coming today to you to thank you for blessing us with each other, health, a roof on our head, jobs with which we can provide all we have -by the way, thanks so much for blessing me with a talent for basketball, without you I would've been nothing, you're the real MVP, you're my nigga all day every da-"

Halley smacked the back of his neck causing him to stop and then stuck his tongue at her, "...Where was I at ? Oh yeah ! And thanks for blessing us with the food on the table. By the way, God bless every person who cooked their ass off a-"

"You can't say that ! " Sasha cut him off. 

He mentally rolled his eyes and pursued, "...God, if someone else interrupts, please give me the strength." The kids, Kalvin, Kaldrick, Nelson and Latoya were trying to not burst out laughing and it was hard. They were about to explode, "Anyways. To do short, we thank you so much. We smart, we loyal, we grateful and we appreciate you. God we loves you. P.O.P, hold it down. Pimp squad for life, well not anymore for me, but shout out to you Donna, you sure made my year. R.I.P whenever you are. Amen." 

Now they were all laughing except Mama C who was shaking her head, but had a little smile on her face, Sasha who couldn't believe what she just had heard and Kalia who was looking at him with a straight face.

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