Chapter Nine

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After lunch with my parents at Nandos, I head back to the hotel while Kayla goes on a date with Louis. When I get back, I strip my clothes off and climb in the shower, letting the hot water burn my body. I close my eyes, pushing my hair out of my face. I hear my phone buzz on the bathroom counter. I turn the water off and push the glass doors open. I wrap the towel around my body and see who texted me. 

Harry: Hey!


Dylan: I miss you

Dylan: You better miss me

Dylan: I'm thinking about coming to London. 

Harry: Would it be ok if I stopped by?

I can't move past Dylan's last text. My heart beats fast-too fast. I quickly text back, my towel dropping to the floor. I swear under my breath.

Me: No babe I do miss you. I don't think you should come to London. I can't wait to see you in a couple months!

Before I can respond to Harry's text, there's a knock on the door. I grab my towel, holding it up over my chest. I pull the door open and look up at Harry.

"Oh...Hi!" I let him in and pull the towel higher up.

"I'm sorry were you in the shower?" I shake my head. 

"No, I just got out." I grab Harry's hand and pull him into he living room of our hotel. I grab a a bra and underwear and quickly pull them on underneath my towel. Harry looks down at the floor.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing....I missed you actually." I grab pajama shorts from the floor and pull them on. 

"I missed you I'm glad you came." I drop my towel so I can pull a tank top on over my head. I mae sure I don't turn around so he doesn't see my back. 

"Really?" I hear the excitment in his voice. I nod and sit down next to him on the couch. 

"Yeah." I lean up and plant a small kiss on his cheek. Don't lead him on. My heart races. I brush my long hair out so I can pull it into a braid.

"Do you know how to braid? I ask, seperating three pieces of my hair out. 

"No, but I've had my hair braided." Harry laughs. 

"It's so long." I say, braiding my hair.

"Do you not like it?" He grabs the end of his curls.

"I love it, actually." I tie the end of my braid up and lace my fingers together. He looks down at my bare thigh. I do too. I look at the long pink scar running from my hip to just above my knee. Shit. Dylan did this to me when we first started dating. Harry touches it lightly with his fingers. 

"What happened?" He asks looking at me. I bite my lip.

" my-" Harry grabs my hands.

"You don't have to tell me." I feel relief wash over me. Harry brushes a stray piece of hair out my face. I get an overwhelming urge to kiss him. I ignore the fleeting thought about Dylan and how I've only known Harry for a few days and push myself up to kiss him. He grabs my frimly by the waist and pulls my down up on top of him. 

I smile, pulling away from him. 

"I really wanted to do that." Harry whispers. 

"Well you did." I get up. Harry smiles and messes with the ring on his middle finger. My phone buzzes next to Harry. I grab it before he can see that it's from Dylan.

Dylan:What are you doing today?

I sigh. Harry watches me, dimples pressed firmly in his cheeks.  

"Do you want to do something today?" I ask. Harry stands up and runs a hand through his hair. 

"Only if you want to. I'm fine with staying here." 

"Lets go out." I grab a sweat shirt and pull it on over my head. Harry looks down at my shorts.

"You might want to put something on..." I laugh and grab denim shorts off the ground. I slip my pajamas bottoms off quickly and pull the shorts on. I step into my vans and I take Harry's hand as we walk out the door. We end up taking a walk. I hold on frimly to Harry's hand. He's talking, but I can't really focus. I keep thinking about Dylan. Not in a good way. I look down at the permanent scar etched on my skin from when he dug a shard of glass into it. 

"Louis told me youo guys were in a worldwide band..." I look up at him. He takes a deep breath.

"Um yeah. I'm a member from One Direction. We have four albums and um yeah we actually are working on our fifth album." He lets go of my hand. 

"That sounds lovely." I say. 

"Yeah. We're really famous." I nod.

"You'll have to show me some of your songs." I say, grabbing his hand again. We walk around the block a few times. I check my phone to see what time it is. 2:56. Kayla should be back soon. When we get back to the entrance of the hotel, I face Harry.

"I should probably go. How about we go out to dinner tomorrow night?" I ask. "You can show me some of your songs." I smile. 

"I would love that. I have something in mind." I raise my eyebrows.

"I can't wait." I stand on tip-toe and wrap my arms around Harry's neck, still having to reach to pull him close to me.

"Bye beautiful." Harry lets go of me and opens the door. I smile and walk inside. I watch Harry get into his car and drive away. I press the elevator door and head back up to my room. I swipe my key in the golden door handle and push it open. I walk down the hallway towards our bedroom and pull the sweatshirt off. I hear the front door open.

"Katie!" I hear Kayla call. I walk out,

"What?" She smiles.

"I can't believe Louis asked me to be his girlfriend!" She holds her phine close to her and sighs. 

"I'm happy for you." I turn away and head into the bathroom. I change my guaze pad, my cuts stinging horribly. 

When I'm with Harry, everthing I feel, all the anxiety I get, goes away. He distracts me from my dark world, from the things that haunt me most and when I go back to America, I'm going to have to face my life again and I can't get away from it. But for now, I have Harry and I'm alright with that.


Yay! Chapter Nine! I hope you all enjoy it!

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