Chapter 3

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So baby tell me.....
Arw you ready for your surprise?

Yes baby i am beyond ready for what you have in store.

Desiree takes the blind fold off of kaylas eyes, and opened the room door where they were both greated with rise peddles. Kayla automatically started to smile her heart was filled with complete joy, desiree was able to sens the joy from her facial expressions. Desiree closed the the door behind them and told kayla to relax on the bed while she went and ran her bubble bath.

OMG!! Baby really all this for me?

Yes baby your my Princess and im going to treat you like one, tonight is the night that im sure u and i have been waiting for so sit back relax and follow my lead.

The tub started to fill up whole desiree walked back into the room to grab kaylas hand and guide her to the bathroom. Where she slowly started to undresss kayla planting sweet kisses on her magnificent body. Kayla was about to say something, Desiree put her finger.on her lips and kissed her.

Shhh baby you dont have to say a word .

Desiree admired kaylas body as she stood there completely naked , Then she watched her back side and kayla stepped in to the Bubble bath. Desiree then walked out the bathroom walked into the room to set the mood and she turned on some Pandora jammie jams. Walking back into the bathroom desiree un dressed her self, now joining Kayla in the tub. Where she grabbed kayla and pulled her ontop of her and started to kiss on her lips softly. Desiree grabbed a full hand of kaylas booty, and bit on her bottom lip. She then reached over and grabbed the chocolate coverds strawberries that she made for her baby. Slowly started to feed them to kayla and they kissed every now and then between bites they soaked in the tub for a little and hormones started to take over there body's. Desiree grabbed her lovers body caressing her and sucking on her neck. Kayla started to bite on her bottom lip getting turned on by the touch of Desiree lips on her  neck .

They get out of the tub then Desiree quickly lifts kayla off her feet and makes her wrap her legs around her. As the begin to kiss passionately as there toungues slowly started to slide in each others mouths. Desiree started to walk into the room where she had rose peddles in the bed. She layed kayla down and told her to get on her tummy. She then grabbed the oil and poured it down kaylas back nice and slow.  She then started to rub on her shoulders massaging the oil into her body slowly working her way down ass she reaches the middle of her back close to her sides she starts to massagr a little deeper. Wokring her way down to her lower back close to the boooty! She then takes both hands one on each boott cheek and she massages her booty then she smacks it to be funny. Kayla then turns around on her back and desiree slides in between her legs , where she fullly presses her naked body down on kayla naked body. They both looked into each others eyes where they began to loose there selves.

Your beautiful i love every single thing about you. Your beautiful smile, those gorgeous eyes, your soft ass lips, crazy personality. Im just in love with you. You make me beyond happy babygirl and i want u to always remember that.

Kayla starts to get teary eyes because shes a cry baby a sensitive little cry baby.

Awwww! Baby i love  everything about you. Your flaws, your bi polar ass attitude, your cute ways , your eyes , the way u talk, how caring you are. It would take me all day to tell you every little thing i love about u but, just know you mean Alot to me i love you Always and Forever.

Desiree then starts to kiss on kayla lips as her hands slide up and down her body. She slowly grabs one of her boibs massgaing it nice and slow then she kisses down her jaw line to her neck. Were she enlighten her neck with Pleasuring kisses nice and soft. Slowly adding some tounge she reaches down her body and put her hand over kayla pussy to tease her a little bit. Trying to see how wet she has got her already , she then licks down the center of her body and makes a quick stoo at her hip bones where she. Bites on them not to hard but hard enough to leave a mark on each on.  She then slides her tongue down Kayla pussy witch makes kayla start to bite her bottom lip slightly. Desiree lets her tongue play around with her clit as she tease her entrence nice and slow.


Desiree baby please dont tease.

Desiree stops what shes doing.

Shushh dont speak unless i tell you to.

She then puts two fingers inside off her nice and slow then pulls them back out. She slides them in again and starts to pulse in and out of her pussy at a steady speed while she continues to let her tongue tease the clit. "Uhhhh Desiree" she moaned as her fingers and tounge please her pussy. Kayla started to moan softly as her breathing rapidly changed. Desiree then reached over to grab something that put a shocking looking on kayla face. Desiree stood up and put her strap on, then looked at kayla to read her expression.

I wont hurt you so dont worry baby just relax.

Desiree gets inbetween her legs and kayla opens them inviting her in. Desiree slides 2fingers in one good time before she inserts the strap, she then slides a little bit in slowly and kayla closes her eyes taking a deep breath. Desiree slides it in a little deeper and kayla grips on her boobs. Looking at desiree with a pleasuring look on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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