2. chapter

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Next day was like every other day. I wasn't at breakfast because I still doesn't felt good. My last class was elixirs with professor Snape. I was always excited on this class, because it was one of few classes which I had with M/N. As usual we met at the hall and together went to the dungeon. When we entered the class, Snape was sitting behind his desk as usual. I started to feel how his onyx eyes started to follow me through the whole way to my chair. I had a weird feeling, but I tried to ignore it. Professor Snape was well known by his strange look. He loves to thrust through people with his look, mainly those who are not from Slytherin.

Y/N: "M/N? Have I something on my face?" I asked when I've set down.

M/N: "No why?"

Y/N: "I'm just asking."

M/N: "He was looking at you again?"

Y/N: "Yes. I don't know what is his problem."

M/N: "Don't worry. He don't like anyone. Maybe he don't like you because you're smart, maybe..."

In that moment someone interrupted us. A dark black figure was standing straight before me.

S: "Miss Y/N. That you know this subject doesn't mean that you can interrupting."

Y/N: "I'm sorry. I will not do it ever again."

S: "I hope so."

Then someone knocked on the door.

S: "In!" He said disgusted.

In the doors were standing Remus.

R: "Hi professor Snape. Can I borrow miss Y/N please?"

S: "As you see, we have class. Doesn't it wait after?" He thrust through him with the look.

R: "Of course I will wait. Miss Y/N. Can you come to me after the class? Thanks"

When I came back to life he was gone. I looked confused on M/N. What just happened? Ring. "Yes, omg that was a while." I said to myself. I packed all my stuff and went to the DAADA class. M/N had same way, because she had another class on same floor.

M/N: "I've never seen Snape so angry."

Y/N: "Me too."

M/N: "Today he was weirder than anytime." We laughed. "Ok I need to go, finger cross. Bye."

Y/N: "Thank you. Bye."

I came to big wooden, oak doors of DAADA class.

Knock, knock.

"Come in." Someone said from behind the door.

Y/N: "Hi Remus. You wanted to see me."

R: "Hi Y/N, yes. I hope that you didn't change your mind with our little trip." He smiled.

Y/N: "Of course not." I laughed. "I'm very excited. If you don't mind, I will carry away these books and we can meet down near a gate."

R: "Okay, I will wait for you."

After some time I came to the gate, where was Remus waiting.

R: "Where do we start?" He asked excited.

Y/N: "We could go see Hagrid, he's my good friend, then to the lake and the whomping willow."

R: "That sounds very good."

Y/N: "But we have to stop somewhere before that."

R: "Why?" He asked excited.

Y/N: "Every time when I go to see Hagrid, I'll bring him his favourite cake." I explained.

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