The Penitence

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In a Saturday night, a middle-age bare-footed man was walking on the forsaken town of Dood. He then sat on the filthy floor as his legs are losing its strength. He was very tired of walking without a certain location. He shivered as he felt the freezing wind coming inside his dilapidated dirty clothes. He squinted his eyes as he look at the sad clouds, which makes him gloomy. The moon's light was his only source of light, he was the only person in this town, he thought. As he heard the birds' chirp, his stomach growled, he then laughed when he remembered that his last meal was two days ago. "I almost forgot that I'm hungry" he said to himself.

Moments have pass, the deafening silence broke as he heard the flipping-flops on the ground, his hands trembled. His chest was throbbing convulsively, fear was visibly seen in his naked eyes and the menacing atmosphere gave him chills. He shuddered as the cold wind run across him. As the sound terminates, he was flabbergasted, his eyes widened and his mouth gaped as he looked above. He hold his left chest—close to his heart—with his right hand as he catches his breath, he sighed in relief when he saw that it was just a little girl.

He can't see what the girl looks like, but he's sure that it's a girl. His bows furrowed, he squinted his eyes and stared at the little girl. He then pinch the bridge of his nose "Who are you? and What are you doing here, little girl?" but the girl didn't answer.

The girl run away so he followed her. He run as fast as he can, his long hair strands are dancing with the wind, he curse as his foot pierce towards the rusty nail. He cried in pain while holding his injured feet. He was limping and gasping for air as he continued following the girl, the girl entered a huge but abandoned house. He cringe as he felt someone whispering to his ears, he don't mind it and continued walking. He entered the house, but he saw nothing but darkness.

He stumbled, a lot of times until he found a candle and a match. He swiftly strike the head of the match against the side of the match box and gently light the candle. He holds the candle to find the little girl. While searching, a lot of things he saw feels familiar. It feels like deja vu, It's like he's been here before but he can't remember when. He paused for a second, he stared directly at the stacks of empty strawberry juice bottle near the kitchen sink. He walk towards it and hold the bottle. The bottle shattered into pieces as he accidentally let it go. He groaned in pain as he hears repeating voice.

"Dad, p-please stop"

"Dad, p-please stop"

"Dad, p-please stop"

He continued hearing it again and again and something started to flash.

It was a girl hapily eating chocolate cake and strawberry bottled juice on her side, the girl's face was blurred. Then the place changes, It was in the graveyard, it was the same kid, mouthing words near a tomb. Then it changes again, pictures of kitchen sink, liqour, blood and a corpse.

The man's head hurts even more, it feels like his head is cracking and squeezing at the same time. He hurriedly run towards the door, he don't know why but he's feeling anxious about something. His heart pounded crazily, his hair follicle suddenly elevates. As he reach the door, his brows furrowed, he tried opening it, but its locked. His eyes widened, his hand trembles, his legs felt noodles.

"H-how?" he whispered.

He tried pushing and kicking it, but it didn't open. Then he felt someone staring at him, it was the girl. The girl's stare was blank, her stare makes the man intimidated and tremble even more. Then, suddenly, the candle's light went out. Darkness filled the house, the old man started shaking even more. Then he felt a soft hand brushing his face, he stiffened, his heart beat stopped and his mouth gaped.

"Run" for the first time, the girl talked.

He panicked, and run as fast as he could as he came back from his senses, his trembling hands wouldn't stop and he's having a hard time catching his breath. He stopped running bacause he is nowhere to go. The anxiety he's feeling right now is so high.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" he added, but he heard nothing, except for the...

"Dad, p-please stop"

"Dad, p-please stop"

"Dad, p-please stop"

It keeps on repeating, he can't handle it, he passed out.


The old man woke up, he immediately rise up from from the floor, and when reality hits him, he knew that he was in the abandoned house. He roamed his eyes, he's in a small room with a lot of stuff toys, it's old and quite messy. He then squinted his eyes as he saw a notebook near the stuff toys, he opened it and saw a messy but quite readable handwriting. He started flipping it until he reach the last page.

"Today's my birthday! My dad and I go to the cemetery and celebrate it with mom. I'm so happy today, we ate chocolate cake and drank strawberry juice. I hope mommy is with us, but, it's okay. Dad is always here for me and I love him so much!"

He silently read it and tears started flowing in his eyes. Then he remember her, her daughter. They are so happy with each other, and he also remembered what happened on her daughter's birthday. He gasped, trembled and cried. Her daughter was abused and killed,

by him. He was so guilty.

"I'm such a jerk"


"I'm here to admit my crime. I did something unacceptable, I abused and killed my own daughter. Please, let me rot in jail"

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