I've been tagged once more by allgrlsbonita ,Sorry I got this late.
1. Do you like someone?
Yes, I do.
2. Do they like me?
Yes, that person likes me back.
3. Middle name?
I don't have one.
4. Are you single or taken?
I'm most definitely taken.
5. Who was the last person you texted?
Uhm, my "friend"
6. What was the last song you listened to?
I think it was Detective Detective by Static-P.
7. What is your battery percentage?
8. Who is your best lady friend?
Uhm, I'm gonna say allgrlsbonita and Niquiline / Nicolatine
9. Who is your best guy friend?
Aiden. Is also owner of our shared account. HisLady_HerGentleman
10. What is your favourite OTP?
Adrienette. I'm sorry, but without it, I just wouldn't even be on this site. Sorry for all you people that thought I'd say something else.
11. What is your current lock screen?
Mah BOOTIFUL m&m's
12. What is your birth date?
September 24th, 2006.
Yeah, you people are people I see daily, so you should all be proud you made it here. lol