Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I don't know why I'm so out of myself and jittery. It's not like there'll be a bloodbath that will happen between my father and Carl, right? And it's also not like I'm introducing him as my boyfriend, right?

Carl arrived a quarter to ten on Sunday morning. Dad particularly hates the one who's not on time so we're trying to put on a good impression here. Like what I said, we're not in a relationship but I admit that I like this guy so I don't want my father to have any reason to hold any displeasure towards him.

Dad knows Carl as one of Mark's groomsman or Dave's younger brother or my suitor, but aside from that, he vaguely knows him. No wonder their second meet-up turns out to be like an interrogation. I could just imagine the living room turning into a dark room with Dad questioning the rope-bounded Carl on a chair with a dim light hanging above his head.

So far, Carl mustered my "have tons of patience and respect" suggestions. While Dad, who promised to always have a halo on his head, turns out to have difficulties following his own words.

"How old are you again, kid?" asked Dad, peering over Carl like a captivated mutineer.

"Seventeen, sir," answered Carl, polite as ever.

"Hmm, you're seventeen and Athena's sixteen," Dad said more to himself while nodding his head. Yeah, he's really not a fan of the quote, "age doesn't matter".

"So, tell me about your parents."

"Well, my Dad's a lawyer. He's working in a lawsuit back in Manila while my Mom is a registered nurse working overseas."

"Must be pretty hard for you. So why did you transfer here anyway? Why choose to study far from your father?"

Carl thought of his answer for a brief while, I know it's a tough story but I wish he'd tell the truth.

"Uh... my father sent me here to be with my Grandmother and also as a sort of some disciplinary actions."

This fascinates Dad. It's like he's looking for any lapses overlooking Carl's bad sides from the very beginning.

"Go on. Tell me about it."

"Dad, I think we better not-" I retorted but Carl interjected mid-sentence.

"It's okay," he said with a beam.

"He wants me far from my peers in Manila. Well, for their credit, the peers who brought me to oblivion of the good. They're all bad influences, according to my father. And not until now I saw the truth of it. If this will bring no good to my image for you sir, but I have to admit that it's because of my peers that I get to learn how to smoke and crave for alcohol almost every day. Now I realize of how insane it was of me thinking we're just exploring, practicing but all the same bringing rapture to a promising future we should have."

I never heard this kind of confession from him before. Yes, I know he used to drink and smoke but I never heard him speak like this of what he's done. It's not at all white-washed. He's genuine and I appreciate it very much.

"Please tell me that you already turned those vices down," my father demanded. What was left of his fierce attitude is now concern.

Carl straightend his back and beamed, "The craving isn't that easy to ignore but I'm currently practicing abstinence."

I guess those are enough for Dad to send us off himself. Whatever it is that's playing in his mind, I hope that dislike would be put behind.


As to what Carl hinted, his grandmother is a disciplinarian but sometimes a very sweet soul on the good side. And I don't know which side of her will I get for our first meeting. It's either the stone-cold, glaring dictator or the warm-faced, welcoming and pleasant grandmother that I expect.

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