Chapter Three (The after-party)

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Everyone was quite happy and ate the variety of delicacies laid out. The jazz music in the background made a few couples dance in the middle. I stood there and watched them keenly. "Hey! Shouldn't the bride and groom dance together?" A guy exclaimed, making his way towards us. I nervously smiled while Yoongi stared at him emotionlessly. "Come on, bro." He insisted with a slight smile. " We won't." Yoongi glared while clenching his jaw tightly. That was enough to scare the poor guy away. I turned towards him to tell him that he shouldn't have done that but he looked really mad. So, I just let it pass. Song after song got played. Including my favorite tracks. But I couldn't jive to one. Jane walked towards us after stealing many glances. "Uh, hey Mr!" She called him, but he didn't respond. She looked at me questioningly. "Excuse me," I said and pulled her aside.

"What's wrong?" She held both of my arms while I just looked away.

"He doesn't like this marriage, Jane."

"What? Did he tell you that?" Her eyes widened in utter disbelief.

"No, but it is written all over his face."

"Then, why did he marry you in the first place?" She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Just when I thought everything was going to be okay. I'll teach him a lesson. Wait here." She pushed my hand away and was about to go when I caught her wrist firm.

"Jane! Wait."

"What Y/n?!" She turned around.

"Let's just give him a chance. I've got six months to give him. And if this doesn't, work out. I'll divorce him."

"Are you serious?! Tell him now!" She grew anxious while trying to fight me.

"No, I can't. My uncle and aunt warned me not to do a thing against him. You know what they're capable of. Besides, I've been giving my uncle and aunt their chances for years. Though they still hurt me. Why not him?" I looked down when I heard her giggle.

"Wait, Y/n don't tell me you like that cold brat." She started laughing now. "Yah! It's not that." Though, I felt an instant liking for him. I wouldn't confess. Not now at least!

"Well, girl. I'd be happy if he felt the same. Let's see if he will." Suddenly, she held my hands and said, " Y/n, promise me one thing. If you face anything ruthless this time. You'll call me and let me know everything. Okay?"

"I promise." I smiled. "Now, let's go and have some tarts. I'm starving." She whined and dragged me towards the table.

We talked and ate while Yoongi stood there, completely oblivious to everything else.

Was something wrong?

"Y/n-ah!" Jane snapped her fingers in front of me. "You can admire your husband all you want later. I'm going now. See you, my pumpkin." She said while giving me a tight hug.

"You too my dumpling." I hugged back and we bid our goodbyes and I went back to standing beside him.

The short-lived occasion was over, soon. All of the guests left one by one, in their uniquely manufactured luxury cars. Wishing us a 'Happy married life!' as they exited.

The lawn was lit with yellow bulb strings, while we stood under them.

Yoongi kept quiet while fidgeting with his watch. While I lay wait for any other guests to arrive so we can bid them goodbye. This was insisted by Mr. and Mrs. Min, it was a thing they followed for generations.

The sound of crunching dry grass caught my ear, it was Mr. Min and his wife. They walked towards us with genuine happy smiles on their face. "Oh, look how good they look together, honey!" Mrs.Min exclaimed as she placed her hands over her mouth. While Mr. Min wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah, of course. We're really happy to have you as our daughter-in-law." He smiled.

"Y/n..." Mrs. Min pulled out something from her bag as she spoke, "Here are the keys to the house and the car. It's a black Volvo XC90." The car I could never buy in a lifetime.... She handed me a couple of keys held together with a chain while she gave another look-alike to Yoongi. He took it from her and quietly placed it in his pocket.

"Thanks, Mrs. Min." I forced a smile while tugging onto my dress.

"Y/n... there are some things you need to know." Mr. Min stepped a bit forward making me confused. "The house is self-provided. You wouldn't need a thing. Once in a week, the grocery will arrive at your door. And if you need anything else, you can call on my number. I'll send my assistant to help you."

Right when Mr. Min was about to continue, Yoongi walked away towards the entrance. Mr. and Mrs. Min had a dead expression on their faces. They both stared at Yoongi while he just disappeared behind the gate. "Ah Y/n! Don't worry about him. He's just a little shy cause he's never been around girls that often. "Mrs. Min said holding my hand in hers. "He'll get used to, after a couple of days. Just cook him some good Japchae." She smiled. I returned the gesture kindly.

"Hurry up, or you'll keep him waiting." Mr. Min said. I instantly bowed to them and was about to leave when Mrs. Min caught my hand and placed a paper inside it. "Read it after you get home. Don't let Yoongi see this." She said patting my closed fist. I bowed once again and hurried to reach the gate. Suddenly, someone pulled me into a hug. Once, I realized who it was. I felt disgusted.

"Y/n-ah! My sweet daughter! Why are you leaving me?" My aunt began crying over my shoulder. I just sighed and pulled back.

"Remember what I said? If you put on any kind of nuisance, I'll not spare you." She smirked and went off to meet the Mins.

I trudged desperately in the dark to find the parking lot. After a couple of minutes, I finally found the car. Though the place was black, it shined like a carbonado in the midst of it.

Lifting my dress, I walked towards the car when suddenly the headlights turned on. I groaned a bit as the light hit my eyes. I stepped in closer, to see Yoongi inside. "Hello! Can you hear me?" I shouted when he just stared and rashly drove past me.

"What the heck!" I screamed and ran behind the car holding my dress up. He just kept driving. "Stop the car!" I screamed again. He didn't even bother to look. Luckily, he was driving a bit slow, I guess he wanted me to follow. I did follow him.

After ten minutes of walking down the lonely road, I felt my legs become shaky. The high pumps ate up the heel of my foot. So, I stopped to remove them. Yoongi noticed that but ignored me anyway. He drove a bit faster, and I paced along quickly.

The house was insight from a distance, it wasn't just a house. It was a massive mansion!

I gasped at the sight when Yoongi honked in front of the gate. Of course, it had a motion sensor and he instantly drove in. They're filthy rich. I agree. But why did they have to send us to such a lonely estate? Where there's not even an extra-human living?

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