2. The End

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"One day my bro made me see porn saying that it was a cartoon for big kids-"


"Only if you give me 50 bucks."

"A big fat no!"


I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. Soon a two hands reached out and dragged me from my hiding place.

"A scaredy-cat are we?" 

"You knew I was in there, why didn't you just face the obstacles like man instead of back-stabbing my father like a coward?!" I hissed.

"What's the fun in that? And that isn't back-stabbing sweetheart, that's called playing safe."


"Fiesty, but you know something sweetheart? Your father was a good man but he was just too good for my liking." He grabbed my cheeks and made me look up to him. Anger flashing in my eyes as I stared at him with utmost hate.

"No one will be as good as my father!" I snarled.

"Yeah, sure sweetheart. Tell me that if you're alive." He said putting his hand  inside his coat pocket.

The malicious and evil glint evident in his eyes that promised nothing but a dangerous intention.





"The Kims were brutally murdered in their own house, also known as, The Kim Mansion."

"The couple was found dead with multiple glass shards pierced inside their skin."

"The young heir was shot in his chest and was found dead in a hallway by the medics."

"The next-in-line heiress was shot directly below the umbilical region near the hypogastric region and a bullet in her head."

"That's merciless."

"The attacker was ruthless as he stole the legal papers to the Kim Corp. No suspicious activities recorded as of now, the cctv provided no solid evidence."

"We'll meet you after the break, here, in SBS TV where we'll look into some recent entertainment news."

"Good afternoon."


"You seeing this shit bro?"

"Yeah bro."

I observed the new on-comers with sheer curiosity.

Heaven And Back (JJK) •Discontinued•Where stories live. Discover now