Life and Death

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Life and death. Both terrifying in their own way, yet beauty always shined through the horrid masquerade of their terrors. Bringing smiles to peoples faces, yet making them cry sorrowful tears when their loved one was snatched away from their grasp.

Though perceived as a beautiful maiden who formed the world with her own hands, life was a genderless and faceless figure. They wore a flowing cape, which seemed to be draped in the galaxies, stars and planets dotting the fabric which moved around as did the cosmos.

Death tended to be more of a dramatic character, flaunting their midnight black hooded cape that was ladened with skulls and black roses, the vaguest smell of blood emitting from the silk fabric.

Complete opposites, the pair were, yet both equally mysterious and beautiful. Life brings young creatures into the world, while death snatched them away. Since they were such opposites, they got along well.

While life took their time to make all the creatures they could imagine, death took them away, making room for life to make more of the things they loved. And while death took away the creatures life created, life loved giving death a purpose.

While they were completely different from one another, the pair got along well. While life took their time to make all the creatures they could imagine, death took them away, making room for life to make more of the things they loved. And while death took away the creatures life created, life loved giving death a purpose.

It was a perfect balance, creating equality between the two realms, letting the world live in peace. Yet all things must come to an end as they say.

With time growing old, Life grew greedy, having steadily growing feelings that blinding them with a beautiful romance the pair would have together, living a perfect life in balanced harmony.

They started to create more creatures, becoming ever more beautiful, every more wondrous, yet their lifespan shortened with each creature that made itself present upon the human's earth. Life was now controlled by the growing thought of romance, creating creatures that found their way to death in a matter of days, these creatures had been labelled bugs and insects.

They were small and compact, making them vulnerable prey to the other, more complex animals Life had given to the world that lived longer days as they trundled through the wild landscapes.

Yet Death couldn't help receive these gifts with a feeling of sorrow, knowing the pain and hardships the creature went through, only to meet its demise at the hands of the seemingly overdressed Death.

As the incest and bugs continued to die out more constantly, with Life springing up new and more crazy creatures than before, the dark-cloaked figure could only feel overwhelmed by the amounting souls he continued to store in his realm.

Even though they reciprocated Life's feelings of love, the feeling of the dying lives they were now taking a toll on the figure of Death. Something needed to be done, to show that there were living creatures on the planet of earth that deserved more than to be a shallow present of love.

Stuck between the thought of overwhelming love, and wanting to show Life that they were sick of the useless demise of random creatures they happened to come up with, Death devised a well thought out plan, putting the souls he had taken to use.

Taking a well-planned trip down to earth, Death released his downcast souls, watching them float off into the world as they prepared to take their first victims. Raising their boney fingers over their chest, Death felt a sharp pang in their chest, mourning the loss of so many helpless creatures that were sent to them as a gift from their lover.

With one last farewell, the hooded figure wished the unfortunate souls a good life on earth, reluctantly bringing sickness to the inhabitants of the planet

Yet, actions often have consequences. Watching on from afar, Life's pristine face formed into a scowl, watching as their perfect creations, an otherworldly gift to the one they loved most, sacrificed those treasures to cause suffering and pain.

In a raging pain, the elegant figure of Life busied themself in creating a creature that could outlive the gods themselves. But the grief that had hidden deep in the back of their mind threatening to resurface, wanting to forgive Death for their horrid actions, wanting an explanation. Yet living light-years away from each other, communication was practically impossible for the pair, only living off the hopeless romantic gifts that the beautiful Life sent the mysterious Death.

Now, as they glanced back upon the solemn earth now polluted with illness and disease, Life's beautiful ruffled back and forward around their figure. They contemplated their decisions, pondering, thinking.

A single tear rolled down the pale and porcelain skin of the thinning figure, a sign that some remorse would always be shining through. Silently coming to a decision, Life bent down, letting go of a singular creation that sparked a beautiful and a beautiful new era.

A small creature, four legs and ahead, a hard shell to protect it from the dangers of life. Though the creature was slow-moving it was regal and elegant, a small gift created to perfection in Life's own hands for their lover who eagerly awaited his possible final gift.

As time went on, the creature known as a tortoise lived out its years, continuing on and outliving many of the other, more rushed animals Life had made in their devotion to Death. With each year rolling by, the dark clothes figure awaited his gift, eager to see what his lover had come up with. Though things seemed to be taking an unusually long time, Death couldn't help but worry, but they must be patient, surely their love wouldn't leave them alone.

Now growing old, Death's withered figure looked off into the distance as they felt the final breaths nearing with every second. Yet, the worn and tired figure's face lit up as a creature came trundling towards the dark domain of Death's grasp.

It was short and stubby, its body-worn from age and weighed down by the graciously heavy shell that was laid across its back. To Death, there was no other gift that was more beautiful than the animal that trundled towards them at that moment.

As the stars illuminated around the hooded figure with the final soul that Death would ever greet finally came into his arm. They welcome the elegant creature with open arms, pulling it in as they finally took their last breaths.

Life and Death, both different sides of the spectrums, complete opposites, yet deeply in love, sharing their emotions with each other by sending hand made gifts. Though all things must come to an end, and as the pair finally took their final breaths, ready to pass on their job to another soul, they both smiled, content with their sorrowful yet fulfilling love life. 


Ah-ha, it's different from what I normally write but my Parents pressured me to show them some of my writing. 

I hope you got some enjoyment out of this, have an amazing day and feel free to tell me what I can work on!


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