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A/N: In this fanfictiom I like to introduce Zhao liying as Shaowan. I couldn't find any other who is capable to portrait the female warrior of demon realm. In elod drama, Donghua came for Fengjiu's rescue at Miaohua waterfalls. But in this fanfiction, another person will came for her rescue.


Zhihe, Donghua's foster sister who gone to western sea for study returned to nine heavens to attend the wedding banquet. It is widespread in heavens that she have a crush on Dijun. When she oversteps her boundaries, he send her to western sea to learn proper behavioral manners. He can't completely abandon her since she is his foster sister.
In today's wedding banquet, Zhihe is dancing elegantly. She wanted to impress Tianjun, so he will persuade her foster brother to allow her back to nine heavens. Everyone in banquet praised her talent.

Tianjun : ' Princess Zhihe, you indeed make this banquet more special with your talent. Afterall you are Dijun's sister. Huh?'

Zhihe : ' Thankyou Tianjun '.

Tianjun turned to Dijun :'Dijun, today she made you proud. May I issue a decree to allow her to enter sky kingdom?'

Zhihe looked Dijun with many expectations. But the reality shattered everything.

Dijun : ' No need. Let her complete her studies.'

Everyone there felt pity for that princess. Even Tianjun wondered by Dijun's cold behavior towards his sister.

Zhihe sadly return to her seat.

Everyone was shocked to see the person who came to dance next.None other than the Queen of Qingqiu, Bai Fengjiu. She is in a beautiful purple dress, her earrings is long enough to lie on her shoulders and her forehead birthmark added beauty to her. Even the musicians forget to play because they were looking at her.
Qianqian and Yehua surprised. She didn't mention about this before.

Fengjiu started dancing. Everyone is silently watching her.
Zhihe and Jiheng noticed Donghua's different gaze towards the queen. They already heard about some rumors that Dijun and this dancing queen were have some secret relationship. Zhihe's jealousy rised at its peak. When she was dancing he didn't take a look at her. Now he is staring at this fox without blinking his eyes.

Donghua can't take his eyes from her. She is gorgeous in this purple dress. Her each move is elegant.

Everyone in the hall applauded after her stunning performance

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Everyone in the hall applauded after her stunning performance.

Tianjun : ' Qingqiu queen really made this banquet different. No wonder you became the dream girl of realms.'

Fengjiu :' Thank you. Tianjun. Its my present for my aunt. I wanted my present for her must be unforgettable.'

Bai Qian :' Thank you Xiaojiu. '

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