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Karl loved to cuddle,Sapnap also,but Quackity didn't like it very much,but whatever takes to make his boyfriends happy....but sometimes his boyfriends can become cuddle monsters,yeah you read it correctly (yeah you reader what you doing here🤔) anyways.. Quackity would hide in shelfs,behind them,in the fridge (Mm yes,we love frozen ducks😀)
in the cabinets,anywhere he could,but his boyfriend would always find him,so today his boyfriend had the cuddle monsters phase,AND QUACKITY THOUGHT IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA TO HIDE BEHIND A CACTUS (dumbass.) They caught him and cuddled him untill 5am.
(mf who hides under a cactus,like "they wouldnt find me behind a cactus"mf i would see you if i was in a plane)

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