It worked!

7 2 2

(Max's P.O.V)

I was in the mess hall with a bucket of water next to me, no one asked why I had it they just 'enjoyed' their 'food' or whatever, sooner or later Jasper ran into the mess hall, he looked over at me and he picked up the bucket and put it on top of the mess hall's door's, man. I can't wait to see this go down.

[Jasper's P.O.V]

After I put the bucket on top of the mess hall's door's I heard footsteps, I walk back a bit and same did max. "I wonder why he told me t-" .... *SPLASH* Davey was socked with water all the campers just looked at him, max was the first one laughing then all the campers were laughing at Davey, I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Davey was just chuckling, but I can see his face get a bit red. I saw Gwen run over to Davey "What the fuck happened?!" Gwen yelled "Gwen its ok it's just the campers pulling a prank it's fine!" Davey replied, Gwen sighed "David. Go into our cabin and dry off I'll deal with this" Gwen said as she looked me dead in the eye's "uhm..ok" Davey said and walked away.

(sorry about this one being short- i have school soon so yeah- anyways love you! and why are people reading my book?-  -caddy) 

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