Chapter 8: A refreshing start for the Noblesse 1/2

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I'm legit inspired today so I made another chapter for all of you precious readers.
(The next morning)
2nd P.O.V.
"Heeheehee....are you not going clean the school." The specter spoke looking at the silver haired male standing in front the mirror admiring the new surrounding despite the poor infrastructure, "I'am" the male spoke making the specter feel awkward at the occupied male "Why don't you help me wake Grim up, he's such a bothersome cat and I'm sure that you can successfully wake him up from his slumber." The Male didn't spare a glance at the ghost but the specter himself felt somewhat delighted at the male's words.

The specter went to the sleeping cat muttering some words on the feline "Unnnn....munyaaa....five more minutes." Grim replies with a groaning tone to the Ghost until two more Specters appeared "laze about too long and you'll never wake up again." The other specter said giggling "Just like us! Eee heehee!" Another Ghost Added jestering as it giggled along with the other Spector. The cat opened his eyes only to see the ghost from last night and screamed making the Male close his eyes from irritation with his eyebrows furrowed "Ffgya!? It's those ghost again!" The Cat screamed running towards the male across the room in front of the Big window.

"Scared much? Don't fret to such presence Grim, they don't mean any harm as long as I'm here." The silver haired replied with a more serene tone making Grim feel somewhat secured at his words "are you all going to officially live here? You're gonna get pranked. Kekeke!" The spector said giggling At his statement, the Male stared at him with a narrowed gaze and the ghost immediately stopped laughing when he saw the male looking at him with a malice look "Well get rid of you eventually!" Grim Shouted with an irritated expression visible on his face, the silver haired male smiled slightly but it's not enough to see visibly on his face.

The silver haired male was about to speak when a certain voice interrupted him "Good morning, you two. Did you sleep well?" The Headmaster greeted the two figure gleefully "I was all sprawled out then I fell out the bottom! Then the ghost woke me up! This is the worst! Just how ramshackle did you let this place get!" Grim replied complaining to the Headmaster but the Raven male didn't bother to listen and turned his attention at the male whose still occupied in front of the window "Wanna bout you Mr. (Y/n)?" Th me silver male turned his head and gazed at the Headmaster waiting for his reply, "I'm not capable of sleeping Mr. Dire, I stayed up all night." The Raven male stood there with shocked look before shaking his head slightly "I-is that so, well that must be really hard for you Mr. (Y/n)." The Headmaster said making the Silver haired male stared at him with a slightly wide eyes "thank you for your concern Mr. Dire." The silver male spoke with a serene tone making the atmosphere feel lighter and calm as the Curtains swayed in sync with the wind and the sun rayed Directly to the silver haired male making him glow under the light, the two figure looked at him with an awed expression.

"O-Of course for I am gracious!" The Headmaster once again praised himself  with his words before he diverted his attention back to the male "I came to speak to you about your work for today." The silver haired male nodded to the Raven male before he gestures the male "well then, let's talk about this matter in the lounge."

They both reached the lounge room and the The Headmaster was the first to speak "today, you are to clean the campus.... the campus is quite large. But, since Mr. Raizel is here I am sure that you can finish it without breaking a single sweat, so first, I'd like you to clean the Main Street from the main gate to the library, Understood." The Headmaster stated the task for today while crossing his arms "I'am in no position to reject, but We will be delighted to do the task." The silver haired male glanced at the cat before looking at the joyful Raven male "wonderful! Then please watch Grim closely so he doesn't cause a scene like yesterday." "Don't worry Mr.Dire, before he could even do anything I would've erased his very presence if he dared disobey." The Raven male and the cat stood dare with a horrified expression "what I meant is, I will watch Grim under my surveillance." The atmosphere suddenly turned back to its calm mood "Ahem....well then, I'm counting on you. You have my permission to have lunch in the school cafeteria, take care of your work enthusiastically." The Headmaster placed his hands on his hips with an eye smile before leaving the two.

"Tsk...No way I'm doing any cleaning, I wanna Go to class and, bang! Boom boom boom! Use a bunch of awesome spells!" The cat spoke with excitement in his voice while doing weird poses, "is that so, Hmn....for now let's go to the campus and do our task." The silver haired spoke making the cat cross his arms and muttered words underneath his breath "What was that Grim?." The Cat flinch trying to avoid the silver haired man's glare darting towards him.

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