episode 12

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I grab my bag running to the train station, currently it's almost 10 pm and I got a notification from Carole and Tuesday to come quickly. I'm on the train, face red from all the running. I quickly with down and calm myself, after an hour and 20 min I'm at my stop. I quickly run to my apartment and change. I book a taxi and tell them to quickly get me there, it's now 11:55 and I'm still on the taxi, I calm myself and start reading the lyrics. 'Alright, I've memorized it, I think at least I hope' I thought to myself. before I knew it the taxi stopped, I quickly paid and ran. The singing almost started. 'I made it, well almost' I thought at the entrance I ran in and said "I'm fashionably late but I'm here" I ran to my spot and calmed myself. 'Goddamnit, I shouldn't have tooken that long to change'. I quickly swipped off the sweat from my face and it started.

After the show I ran and hugged Carole and Tuesday "Wow, you've seriously improved. Good job, I'm so proud of you guys."  They both hugged me back and thanked me. I spotted Roddy and ran to him hugging him tightly and he fell on the ground. I got off of him and took his hand and dragged him outside to look at the stars. "Uhm, y/n you look great."
He said kinda flustered. "Thank you Roddy, you look cute too" I replied. "Anyway, I'm gonna go but tomorrow at my apartment, meet me there at about 2 pm, alright? " I said, he replied "Yeah sure. "
I ran to get another taxi and went home. Quite an eventful day but I'm tired. After I paid the taxi, I went in my apartment. It was all nice and calm until I remembered I left my luggage there. "SHIT, FUCK LIFE" I screamed and I heard a knock so I tried to look calm and opened the door. I saw Gus, we never get along but whatever. "y/n here's your luggage you left it at the party also" He smirked and you knew it was bad news so you took your luggage and shut the door on his face and locked it. "HEY Y/N WHAT THE HELL I WANTED TO ASK YOU IF YOU WERE GOING ON A DATE WITH RODDY? He was really blushy after you left" He said "it's not a date, I just wanna meet up with him, now leave" I said and he left. I was really pissed off beacuse I hadn't slept for 2 days beacuse of all the things I had to do in the other city. But I finally changed into comfy clothes and went to sleep.

A/n: sorry if it's short and sorry if it sucks. I just kinda rushed this.

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