Chapter 4

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"I get that you're friendly and all but geez, my time with you is always divided with either Tzuyu or Dahyun." Momo spoke while she and Sana walked as the sun almost sets.

"Jealous much, Momoring? You know you'll always be my number one priority." Sana giggled, tightening her grip onto Momo's arm.

"I-" The raven-haired girl wanted to say something but no words came out of her mouth.

She sighed. "You're so unfair..."


10pm had come and Sana was just about to set up the television where they would watch netflix together.

Meanwhile, Momo is at the kitchen preparing their meals.

"Let's see... We have popcorn, chips, some chocolates, drinks- oh, and don't forget about jelly." Momo grabbed the chips, chocolates and jelly first and went back to the living room to give it to Sana.

"I'm going back to the kitchen and grab the bowl of popcorn and the drinks. Wait for me."

"Sure! What kind of movie should we watch though?" Sana asked, her gaze still on the television screen.

"Just pick whatever you like. I'm up to romance or horror." The blonde nodded at Momo before the latter went back to the kitchen again to grab the rest of their food.

"I can't believe I finally got to spend time with Sana again. I've waited for God knows how long." Momo muttered to herself, biting her lip to control herself from squealing.

"Momoring! The movie's about to start!" Sana called from the living room.



Neither of Momo's suggestions earlier were the theme of the movie they were watching right now. Sana decided to watch her favorite movie: A Litre of Tears. And now she can't stop crying.

"You know, I suggested romance or horror so you I wouldn't see you crying like this. But why did you chose this one instead?" Momo asked her teary eyed bestfriend. Though, she found her crying face so adorable.

"I-It's just... t-the movie i-is so b-beautiful yet sad a-at the same t-time." Sana spoke between sniffs. Momo smiled.

She pulled Sana closer to her and hugged her, wiping off the younger's tears using her thumb.

"I know that. Although you still look pretty even if tears are running through your face, I don't want to see you crying, okay?"

The other Japanese didn't speak a word. Instead, she shifted even closer to Momo and snuggled up with her until both of them fell asleep as the end credits rolled on the TV screen.



Momo yawned before fluttering her eyes open. She saw that the TV screen is still opened so she attempted to grab the remote to turn it off. But, she almost forgot that she's sleeping beside the girl she had always admired since they were little.

She looked at Sana's features. And boy, is she the most perfect girl that Momo had laid her eyes on. No wonder a lot of people really liked her, including Dahyun and Tzuyu.

Sana turned her head upwards, causing her sleeping face to meet Momo's.

"Kawaii, desu ne~" Momo complimented in Japanese. Though she knew that the younger wouldn't hear her.

Then, her eyes landed on Sana's lips.

"That looks so tempting- wait, no! Bad Momo!"

Momo bit her lip.

"It would hurt if I gave it a quick peck right? But then, that's just taking advantage..."

The raven-haired girl sighed. Leaning closer to Sana's face, she thought:

"I know this might be cheating, but I can't help it. Sorry Dahyun. Sorry Tzuyu."

Momo took the risk and placed her lips onto Sana's.

"She taste like strawberries.."

Before she could even kiss her longer than 5 seconds, she immediately pulled back.

To her surprise, Sana has a smile on her lips but the weird thing is she's still asleep.

"Hmm... Tzuyu..."

Momo could hear her heart breaking into pieces yet again.

"Why is it always Tzuyu? Am I not good enough for you? Why can't you look at me the way you look at her? She's not even worth it."

Momo was on the point of crying but she held it back.

"No worries. I'm going to enjoy every single time I have with you."

She pulled Sana closer to her and puts her chin on top of the younger's head, hugging her with no sign of letting her go.

"Someday... I'll have the courage to finally confess my feelings to you. For now, I just wanted to be with you, Sana."


SaMo fluff!

Okay bruh I know SaiDa just sailed earlier but pleaseeee I'm very whipped for SaMo

One point for Momo because she got (stole) Sana's first kiss and additional point for Tzuyu because Sana imagined it was the maknae who kissed her

And Dahyun... well... we'll find out in the next chapter

Give me feedbacks guys. I think my ideas for this book are getting lame

Also, don't forget what team are you on. Are you still loyal? Or did you changed your votes?


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