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Almina's Pov:
I was at school, school's conference hall to be specific. And there Harry Styles was, giving a concert in the school I go. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, that's what I thought at first but I pinched myself so I'm pretty sure it's real. I'm sitting on my seat which is between my best friend and my ex flirt. Let me explain what happened between me and my ex flirt. Him and I were flirting but after two months he started dating someone else and I found it out after about two weeks. Yeah I know, it sucks. But now we are friends. Anyways back to the present time. Harry is now singing 'Lights up'. I don't know why but this song sends shivers down my spine. I only started listening his music this year. I mostly listened Kiwi, Carolina and Woman but this song is pretty good too!

I usually look at somewhere as if I'm thinking, but in reality I'm just trying to focus, you know? That's exactly what I am doing right now. I don't know what or where I'm looking, I'm trying to focus on the song he's singing at the moment. Listening the lyrics, wondering what it is about and what inspired him. In my opinion one couldn't find the answers of my questions unless Harry himself told them. It might be the opposite of what we thought.

After telling my best friend that I liked this song too, I moved my gaze to Harry to find he was already looking at me. Well, more like staring... I wonder what he is thinking about, or maybe he's like me, trying to focus and as doing so, doesn't know where he's looking. His eyes started to glisten more but I don't know whether it's because of the lights or because he's starting to tear up. I can't tell the difference. I don't like seeing him cry- if my latter s is right, I hope it's not- and no, I'm not a huge fan of him but being best friends with a directioner doesn't allow you to not knowing about them and from what I've seen and heard so far, he's so kind.

He should be immortal.

As we locked eyes, staring at each other, he suddenly stopped singing. " I found her" he whispered, though everyone heard him because he was still holding the microphone in front of his mouth. I don't think he's talking about me, like why would he? What would he mean by saying 'I found her' to me? It just don't make sense but he's still staring at me. I'm really confused. He put his microphone back to it's holder, now crying -making my latter guess unfortunately right- and started to walk towards where the mini stairs that lead you to the rows of seats. Everybody was whispering some things to each other by now. There's 15 rows that each has 23 seats. I'm sitting on the 12th row with 22 other people. Harry was still walking while staring at me. I'm starting to get nervous, I mean why is he still staring at me? It's getting even weirder, he's one row behind mine and the 3 minutes in which all these things happened seemed like a life time- at least to me. Oh, he's walking in the row where I'm sitting, though I'm in somewhat the middle part so it's probably someone else, right?

Uh, Harry please stop staring, it's starting to get creepy, I thought.
Oh uh, he's nearing my seat. He's also mumbling something though I can't hear it, bet no one else can't either. But if I'm reading the way his mouth move correct, the thing he's mumbling is "I found her! Oh God I found her" or something along those lines.

He's sort of sobbing as he's walking but in my opinion those tears are mixed with happy and sad ones. I mean he found 'her'-whoever she is, so I guess he's happy that he found her now but sad because of the lost time apart.

It's like the slow motion parts in the movies.
Harry stopped in front of me?
Uh maybe he's here for Aylin, my best friend, she's a directioner and I bet she'd be enthused about Harry talking to her!

Some people started recording the situation, it's getting interesting to be honest.

As interesting as the situation was, the next words that came out of Harry's mouth was even more interesting that shocked my best friend, teachers, principal, students and especially me...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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