dremmurr caretakers

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Mar 23lust:fine but only when i say,ink *transforms back to original hieght* lust:who want's to hold the puppy lust asgore: i'll hold both of them lust:okay *lust puts us in lust asgores arms* lust asgore:*calls lust toriel* lust toriel:*phone rings* *picks it up* dremmurr what is it lust asgore: i got two adult babies in my arms,you want to help me take care of them lust toriel:sure where are you lust asgore: grillbys *lust toriel comes in and picks me up into her arms*aww these two are actually cute,who picked his outfit it's adorable lust:i picked it lust toriel:it's cute so is the kitten,did you pick his outfit lust:not the kittens lust toriel:it's cute anyway

ReplyMar 23"T-tank you, I d-did it myself" I say shyly as I nuzzle in Lust Asgore's chest and start lightly purring

ReplyMar 24*everyone*aww lust grillby: i got the two babies some bottles *grillby gives us both a baby bottle full of milk* lust toriel:here you go*feeds me with the bottle* *i drink the bottle dry* lust toriel:wow,well are you still hungry *i nod* lust toriel:well*pulls out her breast*let's fix that*she starts to breastfeed me* after a while lust toriel:i think you had enough me:okay lust toriel:feel better*pulls her breast back in* me:yes thank you lust toriel:here*puts my paci in my mouth*

ReplyMar 24-I lightly nom on the bottle before I start drinking from it and purring happily as Lust Asgore gently rocks me in his arms- "G-goodnight Daddy" I say to Lust Asgore as I fall asleep in Lust Asgore's arms while hugging a teddy bear

ReplyMar 30everyone:awwwww *i start to fall asleep as well* lust toriel:now what lust asgore: how about we take care of these babies lust toriel: good idea lust:i'll hold on to them while you two get stuff ready for the babies lust asgore and toriel: okay lust asgore: wait are you sure about them staying in underlust lust:yes lust asgore:explain lust: one time they both pleaded for domince over them lust asgore:fair enough

ReplyMar 31*we both wake up in lust and lust papyrus's house*

ReplyApr 01-I'm lightly snuggling in Keru's warmth as I wake up and rub my eyes before cutely yawning-

ReplyApr 01"H-hewo" I say before kissing Keru on the cheek

ReplyApr 01*softly wakes up to see the kitten* heya kitten *feels something warm between my legs* *pulls off the sheets to reveal a soaked diaper* me*groans*not again!? *lust walks in*hey you two,the king ad queen has a nursury for the both of you* r-really lust:yup yeeeeeesssssssssss*excited*

ReplyApr 01"He wet his diapew again Lust, he needs changed" I say before yawning cutely as I hug my teddy bear

ReplyApr 02lust:okay thanks kitten*picks me up and teleports into his room to change me* lust:your a really good baby you know that me:yes i know *after a while* *lust teleports us back into the living room* lust:you two stay here while i get your new mommy and daddy(lust toriel and lust asgore) me:okay

ReplyApr 04"Okay Daddy" I say before sitting on Keru's lap and snuggling in his warmth as I continue hugging my teddy 

bearReplyApr 04"D-do you wike Mr. Fwuffles?" I ask Keru innocently

ReplyApr 13( )

ReplyApr 15*error wattpad didn't let comment through*

ReplyApr 15(Oof)

ReplyApr 15me:yes kitten *lust,lust asgore,and lust toriel walk in* lust toriel:okay you two are coming to the castel with us lust asgore:and you two will be our babies *lust pulls out strollers for the both of us and they put us in them* lust toriel: i got puppy lust asgore: i got kitten *lust asriel pops up* lust toriel and asgore: asriel! *lust chara pops up* lust asgore and toriel:chara lust asriel:i'll push kitten lust chara:i'll push puppy: *we all make our way to the castle while the kitten and i get called cute along the way

*ReplyApr 15"I'm t-the cuter o-one!" I say to Keru while being a little bit jealous as I hug Mr. Fwuffles

ReplyApr 16*littertly everyone in underlust* "you both are equally adorable" *once inside the castle* lust asgore: well glad we got a nursury *we both go into a abdl nursery and we both are put into cribs* lust toriel:we'll be back you two *all four lust dremmurrs leave the room* so kitten what do you think about our new room

ReplyApr 16"I wuv it! W-want to pway hide and s-seek?" I ask with large and innocent eyes

ReplyApr 16(this will never end will it)

ReplyApr 20i kinda don't want to play hide and seek *looks around the room* hey kitten they came prepeared for us *sees a shelf with lust toys* lust probably told them everything lust toriel:we're back,asriel grab those vibrators lust asriel:okay *gets them down*here*hands them to toriel* lust toriel:thanks azzy*procedes to put the vibrator through the leg of my diaper and into me*good boy,now*pulls down the kittens panties and the vibrator goes into him* lust asgore:now what lust toriel*hands asriel the kittens remote to the vibrator,and hands chara mine*have fun you two*leaves with lust asgore* lust chara and asriel:*turns the vibrators on*

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