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(n.) an intense and irresistible desire for freedom.


It has only been 3 and a half hours since I arrived at the hospital

aaaand I already feel 10 years older.

time continuously ticks as I sit near the old, rusty grandfather clock, staring out the open window.

the welcoming cool wind blows my hair back as I reach for a hair tie.

today is the first of many days I stay here. I should go out and explore the place.

my thoughts are interrupted by a pale, thin woman dressed in an oversized purple uniform, holding a blue tray.

her small, strained voice squeaks out

"miss l/n (last name), here is your first meal of the day".

she sets the tray down on the short wooden bedstand near me, it squeaking in return.

I mumble a thank you and sit up, bowing before she takes a leave.


a very green apple, half of a dry sandwich, a small plate of broccoli covered in cold half-melted cheese, two glasses of water, and a very large pill. they could've done better, but who am I to judge..

I jot in my tracking journal.

the room overcomes with silence, the only sounds heard is the chitter-chattering of people outside my window, sounds of joy and excitement of all ages.

standing up from the bed, I slip on my grey wool slippers that the hospital provided, and go in the elevator before tapping a butten labeled "Floor Number 1".

While officially arriving downstairs, I spot the two vast clear glass doors.

i glance left and right before practically sliding my way to the doors.

the cool familiar wind that I felt at my window immediately blows my way.

the grass is as green as the apple I ate, and the sky is beaming with blue.

white flowers cover the large, clear field in front of me, along with small children playing on loud rusty swings.

I look around for a place to sit.

too crowded.

I start walking to my left, which goes farther down the little hill that I'm on.

step one. step two. step three.

I count my steps as I walk along the striped concrete path.

step 38...step 39... and...step 40

I lift my head up from where I'm standing to see a long, green river.

it's the only thing separating the hospital from what seems like an endless forest. the view is extraordinary,

but that's not the only beautiful thing here...

there's a boy, maybe in his late teens, laying next to the river.

his eyes are shut, but I can already tell how exquisite he is from my long distance.

his black hair is spread out in the grass, with his flat chest to the sky, his arms and legs spread out like a starfish.

i have a strange urge to approach him. i mean, I'll be here for god knows how long, why not meet a few people?

curiously and wondering how he'll react, I take a few more steps forward and carefully lay down next to him.


hello!!! currently revising my old fan fiction, don't mind me! i had this idea while at a doctors appointment, lol. anyways, eat lots drink lots sleep lots!

- zoe

when the river dies ~ hwang hyunjin ffWhere stories live. Discover now