
62 7 21

I look at the grandfather clock, waiting for it to hit 10.

I told myself that I would leave at 10, but I just wanna see him already.

fifteen minutes early, I walk towards his surgery room with a smile on my face, ready to wish him luck.

walking in the room, there's nobody there but the doctors shaking their heads in disappointment and cleaning some materials away.

am I in the right room?

he said room 207, this is it, right?

peeking out to the metal plate hanging on the wall next to the doorway, I read the numbers 207.

this...this is it? maybe he's in his room...

before leaving to go to his room, I approach a doctor.

"excuse me, but have you seen hwang hyunjin? he told me he was going to have surgery at 10 and I wanted to wish him luck"

a look of shock fills the nurse's face, and a pale color overfills her skin.

" didn't know?"

she says, hesitantly.

"know what?"

"he didn't make it"


did...did I hear that correctly?

"he...he didnt make it?"

I say, still not believing the words that just left her mouth.

"the surgery was to see if there was another way to help. without it, a problem would accur and he could have a heart attack any minute. we didnt want to risk it and gave him the surgery. even though he only had a slight chance to make it through it, we decided to risk it..."

the nurse says.

so...hyunjin...he's gone? I just can't believe it no matter how many times I repeat it.

"are you perhaps y/n?" she asks.

"um, yes...why?" I say, tears forming in my eyes.

"before we did the surgery, he told me to tell you to go to the river?" she says, trying to remember what he said.

taking a step back and being, I say, "thank you ma'am" before making my way to the first floor and walking near the river.

there, sitting on a rock near the water, is a note.

gasping, I gently pick it up and read the cover.

"to y/n"

taking a deep breath, I open up the piece of paper.

"life without you was...boring.
nobody talked to me, my parents never visited, and I was lonely..
until you came into my life.

even if it was for a few days, I had never felt so happy.

I may not've shown it, but everytime you spoke or everytime you approached me, my stomach would fill with butterflies.

I'm so sorry for leaving you... I just couldn't tell you.

I wanted you to be happy, but please dont regret anything... because I dont."

a drop of a tear falls from my eyes, and I tug on his necklace that I'm wearing.

"only when the grass is green, and the butterflies are playful...when the sky is cornflower blue, and the clouds are billowing...when the river dies, we shall meet again."







sighing, I lift up my pillow from below my head, and with all my force, hitting jennie.

"ugh....go waaaaay. let me sleep!"

"NO! today is the day that you leave the hospital, isn't it exciting?" she says, playfully hitting me back with the pillow.

I sit straight up, widening my eyes.

"that's today?!?! I thought it was tomorrow!"

I say, engulfing jennie in a hug.

"hey, what's wrong with you? of course it's today, silly!"

a couple months after boba had passed, I met jennie. she was here visiting someone else, and when we met, we were closer than ever. we've been friends now for a year and a half.

standing up, I get dressed and put in some jewelry. some rings, and the cross necklace.

after a couple of hours of me and jennie having fun, I grab my bags to leave.

bye, hospital

I now have a lot of memories from here, and I'll never forget them.

stepping through the front doors, the warm air hits me.

wait... I want to visit it before I leave.

"wait jennie! I want to do something before we leave, can you stay here for moment? I'll be right back!"

I yell quickly, before running back inside and through the clear familiar doors on the side.

after making my way out and running across the concrete, I make my way down to the river.

well, I don't know if I should even call it a river..

It dried up...

carefully, I sit down in the grass before talking as it he could hear me.

"hyunjin... you were one of the best things to happen to me...I miss you"

just as I finish speaking, I feel something land on my hand.

a frog is jumping around the grass, place to place.

his eyes... they're like boba...

"hyunjin?" I hesitantly say.

just as I say it, the frog jumps off, with my eyes still on it. the frog stops, and looks back at me.

after a couple of seconds, the frog hops off.

looking up at the fluffy clouds, a group of butterflies pass.

hyunjin... I miss you

my eyes start to water as i stand up, taking out my phone and snapping one last picture of the place.

I make my way back to jennie, as she sits in the hood if her car.

"y/n-ah, what took you so long? are you ready to go?" she asks.

"yeah...yeah, I am" I say, a slight smile forming on my lips.


this was the last chapter °○°

I feel like I'm going to definently edit / delete this in the future, so HI FUTURE ME :)

sorry about the sad ending, but I just wanted to write something for y/n to remember.

bye, love y'all!! - zoe :)

when the river dies ~ hwang hyunjin ffWhere stories live. Discover now