Chapter 6

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I ran home as fast as I could. My heart was racing the entire time, with my mind going 1,000,000 miles an hour trying to figure out why Natsu was reacting so strongly to the potion.

'Maybe it's amplified everything since he is a Dragon-slayer mage?' I thought desperately. 'I need to just calm down and take a bath.'

I unlocked my door and walked into my small apartment. I didn't see any sign of Natsu so I though the coast was clear. Oh boy was I wrong.

I started to get undressed, but I felt a presence in the room. I turned quickly but saw no one. I shrugged it off as paranoia and went to get in the tub.


Hey guys just to let you know I am actually thinking of giving up this story for adoption. I just don't have the inspiration or the time to really write it anymore. If anyone wants to take over this story please private message me.

I love all the support you guys have shown but I'm just not worthy of it.

Much love,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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