Chapter 4

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Its been 4 days. Four long and painfull days. Louis was hungry he was thirsty and he really needed to pee. Harry really wanted to know how louis was doing. So curiosity got the best of him and he decided to go inside the bus louis was kept in, even though he knew he wasn't suposed to. As he was inside he tried to carefully make his way to Louis's door. While Harry went inside louis was able to hear someone enter the bus. He didn't knew who it was but he guessed it was harry because they were always so close and he knows harry out of anyone would come and check on him.

"Harry, H-Harry is that you"
louis asked.
Harry just stood there shocked. Louis knew he was in there, what is he going to do now.

"Harry if that is you please .. Please let me out, I really need to pee" louis said in hopes that harry would come and save him.
Harry didn't know what to do he really wanted to help louis but he was scared jim would find out.

"Harry please p-please I can't, I c-can't hold it only longer please" louis begged.

Harry slowly started taking steps back. "Please don't d-don't go, jim won't find out your here, I won't tell him I promise, just please, please help me out I really REALLY need to pee."

Louis said hoping he would convince Harry to let him go. But with that harry ran out the door leaving louis alone.

Louis started crying, why would Harry leave him. Why couldn't he just help him. He couldn't hold it any more, he had no choice but to wet himself. And that's what he did. Louis felt disgusted at himself, never would he had thought that he would wet himself but he did.

Later in the day Joe came back. As soon as he stepped in he was taken Back by the smell of piss.
"Oh my goodness it smells terrible in here, what did you do louis" he said staring at him.
"WELL" he said waiting for a response
"I I um .. I accidentally wet myself, b-but I didn't mean to I swear, I just really had to go I'm sorry." Louis said.

"That's fucking disgusting you know that, but that only gives me the opportunity to punish you" joe said picking up a whip that was left of the night stand from the pervious time they had used it.
"W-wait please, I said I was sorry, I didn't mean to I swear , just please d-don't hurt me anymore please, I don't think I can take any more, please" louis begged wanting to get out of another beating.
"Well you should have thought about that before you pissed in yourself" joe said before lifting the whip high above his head and crashing it down on louis chest.

Louis couldn't stop scream so joe stops what he's doing and gagged louis with a piece of cloth and 4 pieces of duct tape like last time. After that he continued to whip louis across the chest and stomach. After about 20 times louis couldn't take it anymore and passed out. The last thing he remembers hearing was joe telling him how disgusting he was.

The week had finally ended and louis was happy he was finally begin let go. That whole week consits of louis getting fuck at least 5 time daily and whipped. His ass hurted so much. He was glad that he was finally able to take a shower. They didn't allow him to shower, so he was covered in blood cum and piss considering he had wet him self one again. But most importantly he can't wait to see the boys. He knows that he shouldn't be considering that they litteraly did nothing to help him out whatsoever, but he can't help it he loves them to much to be mad.

Jim came inside the tour bus louis was being kept in with a bag of clothes so louis could change. As he opened the door and saw louis, he looked at him with disgust. He walked over to louis and sat on the bed next to him. He didn't say anything he just stared at him. Louis would shift uncomftablely not liking the way jim was staring at him.

"Look at you, your so disgusting" Jim said. Louis still couldn't reply considering he was still gagged. Jim placed one of his hands over Louis's beaten chest. Louis whimpered not wanting to be touched by him. Jim would just ignor his protest and countiuned to trail his hand down to Louis's stomach. He just kept it there as his eyes were aimed at louis coc.k. Then Jim's hand finally went down to grab Louis's coc.k. Louis cried out and tried to move but could do much because he was still tied down.

Jim held Louis's coc.k tightly in his hand. Then he slowly started moving it up and down and began to give him a hand job. Louis was sobbing at this point. He didn't want jim to make him come. He didn't want jim to touch him there. He was soo close he tried with everything he had not to come. It was beginning to hurt. He couldn't hold it in anymore, as Jim stared going faster. That's when he finally came in Jim's hand. Jim just laughed.

"I knew you were such a slut" Jim said as he wipped the come off his hands and into Louis's thighs. Louis felt ashamed, he can't believe he give jim the pleasure of letting him come. But he couldn't do anything about it so he tried to let it go.

Jim started to climb on louis until he was on top of him sitting on his stomach. He tried to struggle under him begging him to get off because some of the whip marks were still fresh and it was beginning to hurt him, but like always it was no use.
"Ok so I'm gonna take the gag off but you will not speak unless I tell you to ok" Jim said.
Louis just nodds. Jim starts taking the tape off his mouth, when he manages to get all 4 pieces off louis was finally able to get that cloth out of his mouth.

Louis started breathing heavily finally being able to to have fresh air.
"Can i have some water please" louis says in a whisper.
His throat is dry from the lack of water. But jim ends up slapping him hard in the face.
"I told you not to talk unless I tell you to you fucking idiot" Jim screams

"I'm sorry, I just really want something to drink" louis says looking up at Jim with tears in his eye.

Jim hesitates for a moment but got up to look for a water bottle.

When he finally found one he came back to louis and put the bottle in between his lips as louis started drinking. The water tasted soo good He nearly drank all of it but Jim took it away from his mouth.
"Thank you , thank you so much" louis says trying to be as greatful as possible.

"Yea whatever" Jim says as he puts the water bottle down.

"Ok so I'm going to untie you know then you are going to shower and then I will take you back to the boys, do you understand" Jim say

"Yess I understand"

Jim started to untie louis. Once he was done he gave louis the bag and he gladly excepted it. After that he went inside the shower and when he was done he got dressed. He was happy jim brought him clothes considering he's been naked for a week. Once he was ready it was time to go. He followed Jim out of the bus and into the new one. Once he was in it was not what he expected.

Sooooo yea. It's been a while right
Well sorry I took long buy I feel like no one likes this story, but here you go I hope you like it 😃😃😃😃😃

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