I Drive the Big Red Car

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Greg: Dorothy likes dancing

Jeffrey plays piano

Murray plays his guitar

Anthony loves to cook up his food

Dorothy: And Greg drives the Big Red Car

GregI drive the Big Red

Anthony, Murray and Jeff: He drives the Big Red

GregI drive the Big Red Car

Henry likes to swim

Jeffrey plays piano

Murray plays his guitar

Anthony loves to cook up his food

Henry: Whoa! And Greg drives the Big Red Car

Greg: I drive the Big Red

Anthony, Murray and Jeff: He drives the Big Red

Greg: I drive the Big Red Car

Wags likes to dig

Jeffrey plays piano

Murray plays his guitar

Anthony loves to cook up his food

Captain Feathersword: And Greg drives the Big Red Car

Greg: I drive the Big Red

Anthony, Murray and Jeff: He drives the Big Red

Greg: I drive the Big Red Car

 I drive the Big Red

Anthony, Murray and Jeff: He drives the Big Red

Greg: I drive the Big Red Car

I drive the Big Red

Anthony, Murray and Jeff: He drives the Big Red

Greg: I drive the Big Red Car

I drive the Big Red

Anthony, Murray and Jeff: He drives the Big Red

Greg: I drive the Big Red Car

Anthony: And you're a very good driver too, Greg.

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