🌸Perfect Romance🌸

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Cherry blossoms fell softly from the trees and through the soft breeze on a warm spring day. There were many couples and non couples alike. The concrete path covered with pale pink and rolling softly through the footsteps of those who walked along the path. The day felt young since it had just begun and the couples enjoyed their dates, all except one. Someone who walked along with his earphones in his ears and his phone in his front hooded sweatshirt pocket. His raven hair was covered by his favorite grey beanie, keeping it from blowing around in the soft breeze.

The timberlands he wore on his feet had a few of the cherry blossom petals laying against them. They stuck to the sides, but he didn't seem to mind as he came across a strange bookstore. The raven haired male looked up at the name of the store and hummed, the name was 'Book Lovers'. He felt drawn to go in but he wasn't much of a book reader, though he might find something interesting to his taste. He shrugged and entered the building.

As the raven haired entered, he took out his earphones from his ears to respect those around him, as to not bother them. His doe eyes looked around and noticed a few people sitting on the chairs that were placed to let people sit and read.

The bookstore had a lonely yet soft warm vibe to it. He saw the walls made from a dark spruce wood and had a few scented diffusers around the room releasing a nice vanilla scent around the bookstore. He felt out of place yet so drawn to be in there. He wasn't sure why but he decided to stay.

He looked around and walked down one of the small isles, humming softly as he went. The raven haired male stopped in front of a few romance themed books and was about to take one off the shelf when another hand came into his view.

"Oh, sorry-... Taehyung hyung ?" The raven haired male asked out of shock as he turned to his to see the male standing before him.

"Jungkook..?" The brunette gasped.

"how..how have you been?" He asked, his voice deeper than what the raven haired remembered.

"I've been good..." Jungkook nodded. "How about you?" He felt awkward as he felt his old romantic feelings for the brunette rise again.

"I've been good too.. yeah.." Taehyung nodded. The awkwardness eating away at the two of them slowly.

"Look I should....get going.." the raven stuttered, he didn't like the tension.

"Jungkook, wait.." Taehyung got the other's attention. He sighed before continuing.

"Look back in highschool.. I wanted to tell you that.. Well I wanted to ask you out since I had..well, still have the biggest crush on you, I was just really bad at asking people out" he chuckled as he admitted it.

Jungkook felt his cheeks heat up along with his ears. He didn't really expect the other to have liked him back the way he did. Mostly because he just didn't consider it a possibility that the brunette liked him the same way. That made him think, were his own feelings old or were they still there? The more he looked at the brunette, the more he knew that they were still present since they graduated and went to different colleges.

"To tell you the truth Taehyung hyung, I had, well same as you, still have a crush on you too but I was just really, really shy about it and well.."

"Well..?" Taehyung question softly.

"Well, there was a definite missed opportunity back then.." Jungkook giggled, making the other chuckle.

"Yeah.." Taehyung sighed. The awkwardness came back but was slowly taken away with the soft glow of pink shining in through the window next to them.

The glow of pink on their faces due to the light from the window, the awkwardness faded away and to Taehyung, he thought it made the raven haired male gorgeous. It made his skin glow a gorgeous soft pink against the porcelain colour and made his heart flutter. To Jungkook, he thought it made the other way more handsome in his eyes and made the brunette colour of Taehyung's hair have a soft pink hue to it.

"Well.. I should go.." Jungkook muttered as he blinked softly and smiled softly showing his bunny like teeth.

"Yeah, yeah , I should too" Taehyung replied rubbing the back of his neck nervously, he wanted to ask something but was hesitant until he saw the raven haired male turn.

"Wait!" This got Jungkook to turn around shyly.

"Let's give it ago"

"W..what?" Jungkook stood in shock. "I mean.. why?" He felt so flustered that he figured out what he was saying.

"Let's date, I mean why not? it'll be nice to try" Taehyung suggested. "We clearly still like one another and we both admitted it easily, but you can choose-"

"Yeah, sure," Jungkook agreed.

"Wait really?"

"Yes really" the raven haired male nodded.

"Well.. let's go on a date then" The brunette suggested.

"What... now?" The raven haired male asked softly.

"Yes, if you want to," Taehyung smiled.


They both smiled at one another and took hold of each other's hands, they walked out of the book store. The cherry blossoms hitting their shoes and some landing on their shoulders and hair. They didn't bother brushing the small petals out since it made the moment pure and on that spring day two old friends reconnected and confessed.

They decided to try it. It might've started out awkward at first but isn't all relationships? Soon it turned into two love birds that loved spring. That loved cherry blossoms and most of all they loved going to the place they reunited and reconnected, the bookstore 'Book lovers' and it was clear that the cherry blossoms on the road leading to love would form a Perfect Romance between old best friends to lovers.

🌸Perfect Romance K.TH & J.JK (One Shot) 🌸Where stories live. Discover now