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Dark, dirty, damp, musty.

As the rain poured on her rough skin, that's all Misaki could think of.

Dark, dirty, damp, musty.

What exactly did those words mean?

She had no clue. Misaki was only six, afterall. How would a six year old who'd been given poor care and little to none education know what a word like dirty really meant?

I know. Mom used to call me something along the lines of "dirty little brat," right?

Slowly but surely, the little girl sat herself up. Misaki huffed, shielding her eyes from the water pelting down from the dark gray sky.

Her eyes flickered from the mud to the trampled grass around her figure, watching as the rain splashed down into puddles of dirty soup. She looked down at her own figure, seeing mud had splattered onto her skin and clothing when she was thrown out of the car, as well as dots of bruises.

Thrown out of the car. That's right, daddy threw me out of the car just a few minutes ago. How long was it? One, two, three, five... does four come before five...?

As she continued to think, Misaki stood up on wobbly legs, letting out a 'hmph' as she straightened herself. Daddy always said not to slack, unless he'd hit me.

Where is daddy? And mommy?

Misaki looked to the road just behind her a few feet away. No cars passed, and there was no sign of life from either direction.

Where did they go? Did they forget me when they threw me? Maybe they were in a hurry.

She waddled her way to the road, and stood there.

Hours went by, she never budged unless to look down the deserted road and sit to rest her legs. Not a single car had passed.

As more time began to grow foregin, Misaki began to grow weary in turn. No one had popped up.

They're just busy. They'll come.

Misaki looked to a puddle next to her feet, the mud sloshing as the rain gathered once it plopped to join the mix. She kneeled down next to it. Carefully, she dipped her fore finger inside. Then another, and another. Once her whole hand was welcomed into the makeshift bowl of sludge, Misaki grabbed at what was compacted below.

What she had pulled out was a large clump of clay.

Fascinated, Misaki gradually started to pull at it. She giggled as she made different shapes and forms, her sight completely lost from the road and onto her new form of entertainment.

She once again thrust her small hand down in the mud, searching for the toughness of clay. Misaki dragged out another large piece.

"Hmm, what should I make..."

Misaki thought long and hard for a minute or so, wanting to make the best model possible.

"Oh, I know! A puppy!"

Giggling, Misaki went to work. Starting with the head and ending with the tail. When she was finished, observing the husky like dog she had made, she shouted in satisfaction.

"I made a puppy! Mommy will get mad, but maybe I can make her change her mind?"

Misaki's attention was derived from the small dog, not noticing how the tail of the clay began to bounce up and down onto the muddy forest floor. As her thoughts continued to cloud her mind, the clay model hopped up onto four misshapen legs. It walked to her muddy figure, crawling up onto her lap and curling up.

The girl looked down, jumping slightly in fright. "Y-You can move...? But that's not normal..."

A small distorted bark sounded from the dog, rubbing its head around her hand. Misaki sighed, her six year old mind couldn't process what was happening.

"Maybe it's my quirk...? But mommy and daddy took me to the doctor and the doctor told me I was quirkless... and that's when mommy and daddy started feeling more down..." She sniffled, her thoughts jumbled. The dog pawed at her shirt as if to tell her 'don't think, play with me.'

Misaki smiled, "puppy, you're too cute. I'll have to hide you from mommy when she comes back to get me."

The dog simply barked in return, shaking its body like a dog riding water after a bath.

"What should I name you puppy?" Misaki hummed, cheeks puffed and lips pierced.

"Yua! Your name is Yua!"

Yua barked in satisfaction and Misaki giggled, holding the dog close to her torso.

"I'm gonna keep you forever Yua!"


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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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