(The only) One shot- 'Please'

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You were waiting in Levi's room for him to get back.

Usually he got back at around one, but today he seemed to be swamped with paperwork.

You were used to this, being Levi's girlfriend, but you couldn't deny you missed spending time with him.

Nobody knew you were his girlfriend, so you couldn't even be around him in training. Secretly, you worried for him.

Seeing so many people die had broken him each time it happened, and he overworked himself as some kind of self inflicted punishment to "make up for it."

The door slowly creaked open at around three, and Levi quietly slipped into the room as not to wake you. "Levi." He stopped in surprise, but regained his composure. "I had more paperwork to do today than usual." "I gathered as much."

There was a silence, and it wasn't the comfortable silence with Levi that you loved.

"Levi, you have to stop working so hard. I'm sure that the people who have died wouldn't want that-"

"The people that have died are dead," Levi said bluntly. "They can't want, or do anything anymore. And it's my fault. I should have prepared more, I should have gone over the plan with Erwin one more time- I should have-"

"Levi, you can't change that now. They're dead, rotting in the forest somewhere," You said, just as blunt as him. "The best thing you can do for them is sleep and get your energy back up. Levi, you haven't had a proper sleep in ages."


His dark eyes found yours, and you could see how tired he looked, the dim lighting only making his face look more gaunt. "Sleep."

You saw him relent, his tiredness taking over, and he tossed his scout's cloak into the corner of the room and put his boots by the door, making your eyebrows raise almost into your hairline. He must really be tired if he's tossing his cloak into the middle of the floor, not folding it and placing it neatly on his nightstand like he did mostly every night.

Levi didn't even bother to undress before he lay down on the bed, the mattress dipping gently from his weight. You pulled the sheets over him and then you lowered his head into your lap, moving his hair out of his face.

Levi was too weak from sleep to protest, and you ran your fingers through his hair, stroking the sleek black hair until Levi drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, when Erwin walked into Levi's room to see why both you and him were missing from training, you held a finger to your lips and shook your head. Erwin paused in the doorway and although his bushy eyebrows raised in confusion, he nodded and closed the door with a soft click.

You leaned against the headboard and looked down at Levi.

He looked so peaceful, far more peaceful than he was when he was awake. You had a selfish desire for him to sleep forever, not dead, but whisked away to a world where he didn't have to worry anymore, here, safe with you.

Everything was absolute shit, but in this one moment, it didn't seem to be so bad.

Levi x Reader one shotWhere stories live. Discover now