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A/N : This chapter will be only Minho's scene ^^

Minho is now doing his job on the laptop. Typing something about his work. He is a CEO of a biggest company in Korea and also Canada. He came back to Korea like a few days ago.

He told his grandpa and his parents that he will work at the company, but he just want to work at Korea company and not at Canada. His grandfather passed away because of heart attack knowing that Minho slept with a random girl and then he say he is gay.

Then his parents forced him to being with Cherry, her dad's friend's daughter in Canada. He just did what he was asked. But then, Cherry was found on the bed with another man. Minho of course didn't mad because he don't love Cherry.

But he still decided to ignore that poor girl. Cherry trying to apologise and saying she's drunk, also she say something like she only love Minho which Minho didn't believe that word even her face looks innocent.

Minho's leaning on his chair trying to close his eyes but got disturbed by his phong ringing.


That's the name of the caller. Minho just rolled his eyes annoyed with the woman. But he decided to answer, because, Cherry won't stop calling him if he declined the call.

"Hey baby, what took you so long to answer me?" Cherry asked sounds like she's pretending to be mad. Oh and she said it in English, because she's Canadian so she don't know how to speak Korean. That's what makes things harder for Minho.

"What do you want Miss Cherry? You're disturbing me. I'm working right now" Minho said in English of course.

"Uhm... Sorry for disturbing, but i just want to let you know that i'm on my way to your mansion from airport right now. I'M AT KOREA!!!" Cherry said happily

Minho was shocked by what Cherry said just now.

"Tell me you're joking Cherry" Minho said hoping that his fiancee is joking. I mean, forced fiancee.

"Why do you sound so disappointed? Anyways, I'm not joking babe, I'm serious" Cherry said almost disappointed with Minho's tone.

"Gotta go, I'm busy right now" Before Cherry can say anything, he already ended the call.

"No way... She will just make everything harder than it's already be" Minho said to himself. The plan of getting Jisung back will be hard.

Minho thinking hard, until finally he got an idea. It's not a bad idea about Cherry in Korea. He thought he can use Cherry to get Jisung back. He smirk to himself about the idea. He's not being smart, he just being selfish.

He called his secretary to come to his office.

"Yes Mr.Lee?" The woman secretary asked.

"Do I have any meeting or schedule today?" He asked

"No Mr.Lee" She smile.

"Oh okay, i will go home early today, so if anyone asking for me, tell them my fiancee is in Korea, i want to go greet her" Minho said. The secretary just nodded.

"Wait Yeri, do you know what gift that woman like?" Minho asked.

"Uhm, most of woman likes accessories, you know like necklace, bracelet, ring and all" Yeri, his secretary answered.

"Oh okay thanks Yeri" Yeri just replied with nod and smile before get out from Minho's office.

Minho get up from his chair and went out from the company and entered into his car.

"Yes sir, are you going to home?" The driver asked.

"No, we're going to mall. I want to buy something for Cherry" Minho smile and the driver just nodded before start the car (you got me going dumb du ru rum SORRY)

After done buying a gift for Cherry, he went back to his house.

He entered his house but Cherry is nowhere to be found.

"Cherry?" Minho called her but no answer. She might in her room. Minho thought. So he go upstair and open Cherry's room door.

There she is. She is playing with her phone. She smile when she saw Minho standing in front of her room. Cherry get up and went to Minho to hug him. Surprisingly Minho hugged her back.

"Hi baby" Minho greet. That's the first time Minho called Cherry with that kind of nickname. But Cherry didn't care too much. She just happy that Minho hugged her back. At least she didn't look like desperate bitch.

"Baby, i can't breathe" Minho said because Cherry hugged him too tight. Cherry released Minho from her arms and look at Minho who's smiling.

"Minho, are you sick or what? Why do you come home early?" Cherry asked tilting her head.

"I just miss you, and can't wait to see you" Minho said forcing himself to smile.

"Oh i bought you something" Minho said. Cherry look so excited hearing that. Because, Minho never buy her anything.

"REALLY?! WHERE IS IT?!" She asked excitedly looking around Minho.

"It's at downstairs, on the couch, let's go" Minho said dragging his fiancee to the couch.

Cherry run to couch and open the little box on the couch. It's diamond ring. She's so shocked that she wasn't be able to let out any words and just go to Minho and hug him.

Minho pulled away before leaning closer to Cherry's face. Then his lips met Cherry's. The kiss turned to make out session. Cherry's hand slowly unbuttoning Minho's office outfit. But before she can do any further, Minho pulled away from the kiss and hug Cherry again. He just don't want Cherry to go that far.

"I love you Cherry" Minho said resting his head on Cherry's shoulder. Cherry smile before replying "i love you too Minho". Minho smile knowing his plan slowly working.

Cherry is dumb. She is dumb to realize that Minho is playing with her. She is dumb to know that everything is fake. The 'I love you', the kiss, the hug, the smile, and the gift is all were fake. But Cherry is dumb to know that.

i- this will be the one and only mature scene that i write. Anyways, vote and comments would be appreciated ^^

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