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SarryHtyles: im 17. im in my last year of highschool. i go to Moorehill high in Ireland (that's probably not even a school btw) and i really like cats.

NiallHoran: wait. u go 2 Moorehill? thts mi skool!! and nialls 2 ofcourse.

SarryHtyles: and nialls too..? who is this?

NiallHoran: im liam!

NiallHoran: sorry Sarry, im back. liams annoying. but u go to my school?

SarryHtyles: its harry. yea i do go to ur school, but i mean its no surprise to me.

NiallHoran: what?

SarryHtyles: i see u at school all the time. i had to make sure this was you though, and not some weirdo who just really wants u as their profile picture.

NiallHoran: well what do u look like?

SarryHtyles: if i told u, this would be less fun :(

NiallHoran: why is that?

SarryHtyles: because. 1. i wont be able to see that cute little confused look u get on ur face (because i know youll do it when u look for me tomorrow) and 2. ill definitely not be what u expect.

NiallHoran: not what i expect how?

NiallHoran: Sarry?

NiallHoran: what do u mean?

SarryHtyles: see u at school :)

this is seriously so fun to write, leave feedback :)

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