My past

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Hey guys new update hope you enjoy ~

*Flash back *

It was a dark rainy night as we were all heading to the football game . I hugged the captain / my best guy friend Stephen and wished him good luck . As I was with my friends we saw this dork and started teasing him . We shoved him on the ground into some mud and walked away . His name was Jamirean.

*after the game (they won )*

Stephen was have a party at his place since they won the game . Since my boyfriend just left me for a cougar

(And what I mean by cougar is a 72 year old lady . ) I had 4 beers and 3 shots of vodka. All my friends left and I took my car to the party so I had to drive it home . I was going around 80 miles an hour , I was swerving all over the place when I got in a head on crash . The next day I woke up in a hospital with the bright lights ,the whiteness of the walls and a faint beeping noise . The doctor told me I was extremely lucky to be alive . He said "unluckly the other driver ,Jamirean Smith has passed ." The name sounded so familiar . My ex came barging into the room screaming and yelling at me . No wonder the name sounded so familiar, he was Jack Smith's brother ........

*flash back over *

Iyana's pov

I was looking out the window of the hospital room contemplating life as there was a light knock on my door. I thought it was maggie as she has visited me everyday for the last week ,but I was sorely mistaken.

Jack's pov

I walked into her room with a sly smirk on my face and my hands tucked away in my pocket . I calmly and casually said "So Iyana did you get my little gift?" She had a confused and shocked look on her face . I bought her a box of chocolates and roses since I heard she was in an accident . She yelled frighteningly at me "IT WAS YOU !" Ok now I'm confused . Why is she upset I just gave her flowers ......does she think I would ever do something this abominable as getting her into an accident. "Iyana calm down I said you would pay but never like this ,not upon my worst enemy ." I said very seriously. "THEN WHO WOULD JACK ."

Kiana' s pov

I can't believe that little b - Cordell cut me off by saying "You should have never did this your going to get arrested for this one. " I yelled " That girl thinks she could just get away killing MY brother . She must be stupid . But I'm not that's why I used Jack's car." "SHE DOESNT EVEN KNOW YOU GUYS ARE RELATED!" Cordell yelled back harshly. He might be my boyfriend but god i hate when he's right . I regret doing this now .

Iyana's pov (again )

Jack stared at me hoping I would believe him and I did .We talked for a while (mostly me apologising) After a long time he forgave me and he apologized for threatening me before .We hugged ,talked about life ,relationships and how he is now gay . As he was about to leave police officers walked in and told Jack to put his hands up "You have the right to remain silent ,anything you say can and will be held against you in........" they walked out so I could hear them anymore . I sat there in awe wondering what just happened . The doctor said I had one more visitor .......

~well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter comment who you think is her last visitor . If any questions or comments feel free to ask ,
Xoxo Iyana

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