Brynee POV
Midnight walks around teleporting from tree to tree searching for the others, its been hours and they haven't come back, whoever they are.
Midnight POV
Fucking hell, where are the guys, I teleport to the map and Fluffy screams, Sky laughts hard and falls to ground, Ty helps Sky up and I well, yell at them to hurry up. "sheezh, Brines have ishues, am I right Ty," sky nudges Ty on the sholder, and Ty doesn't say anything at all. I turn around and briskly walk in the direction of the forest near the map where Brynee i, "Sky just wait until the future and you won't say anything like that," I mummbled. I teleport back to Brynee and she was screaming my name, and I felt like my ears bursted. "Come on Brynee, we are leaving," I say as I pick up my tent. "why?" Brynee ask inociently. "Because, they don't want us here," I whispered. We walk out of camp and I see the boys run up, then I teleport away with Brynee.
Mitch POV
I can't beleive Sky said that!?! We run back to camp as Sky figured out it wasn't a joke, and was very offecive, we finally get back in time to see Midnight with her tent in her backpack and holding hands with a little girl. Midnight teleports and I get really mad at Sky, "Sky why the fuck did you do that, she was and is like a sister to me!!!" He only sculks back to his tent and that night all i heard was crying coming from his tent.