a deal of Three months( final)

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"dude...dont do those  cringe stuff College couple! why do u have to surprise him on evry monthsary?" nice whined

"just say you'r jealous! propose to zom soon buddy so you can do your own cringe stuff " mew teased back!

yeah it's the perfect guy meow & the bratty gulfie's three monthsary!
three months ago they were forced to a fixed marriage (better say gulf was forced to marry "not so cool dude" mew! 

in past three months their forced relationship saw a thousand turn & resting now at the peak of Love o meter!
   their day starts with  lots of cuddles, hugs & muttering 'love u' in Between sweet long kisses!  their day ends with hot make out session which most Often leads to mew breaking gulf's pelvis & gulf cursing with pain afterwards! 

mewgulf threw a small private party on Their monthsary at pub!

   evry frnds joined them...even mildboat came  from bangkok..!

Ja joined with his would be boyfriend first, a freshman in same uni! nice joined with zom!everyone spent a amazing fun time together! 

after the Party mewgulf came to see off mildboat who was heading Bangkok on same day as boat has some urgent business to attend!

mild: So p'mew when i gonna be uncle??

mew seemed confused at the sudden question & Gulf  flustered!

gulf: Shut the fuck up mildjinna..!

mew: umm....i didnt get it! how do i tell him when he is gonna be uncle?! 👀

making mildboat laughing out loud! 

' bro Gulf...your phd hubby sometimes seem so clumsy! teach him 'tonight' how to  make me a uncle ' mild winked at them! 

at night..

Gulf was standing in balcony..! wintry air passing by...giving chills on his skin...!
Mew walked silently towards him...hugging him from behind!  Gulf leaned in to seek   mew's natural body warmth!

mew softly  kisses  the mole on gulf's nape making goosebumps on gulf's body! this man just know how to make Gulf feel good!
" i love you" Mew said in Between peppering kisses  & sniffing on his nape!

" hngg...w-wuv u too " gulf couldn’t resist to let out a  moan!

" see how fast the night changes gulfie! three months ago everything seemed impossible to me "

"impossible? what seemed impossible? " Gulf turned around being curious! 

mew took Gulf's hand on his shoulder & grabbed on his waist lightly making their body swinging slowly with a unknown rhythm

" everything that's happening now...evry day seems like a dream...evry feeling evry touches feels like Heaven "

"should i just  divorce you to wake u up from dream mr.Professor? it was our deal in fact " Gulf teased

"uhuh...joking with your professor?!  too bad too bad...u've to be punished my student " Mew scooped Gulf up bridal style & headed towards bedroom..

"meoooww bring me down.. bring me down..." gulf screamed playfully

mew threw gulf on mattress softy hovering over him....
"i think mild told you to teach me  something!u forgot already?? "

Gulf blashed at the thought of what mild said

"he is a dumbhead! " Gulf said annoyingly

"why? i think  we shouldnt make him wait anymore! we need to gift him a nephew/niece asap! having a littol one roaming around.. wont be bad at all"

"in your dream Sir! i wont let him be uncle in next 10 years" Gulf said

"meanie! " mew pouted " now u really need to be punished for making me sad "mew started attacking on gulf's exposed collarbone! 

Mew woke up late next morning . Gulf fell asleep  right after their 3 wild rounds..Mew had to clean Both of them & change bedsheet & everything! 
he was searching for gulf with eyes still  closed!  but Gulf wasnt on bed...he checked on clock.. it's 10 am only...too early for Gulf to wake up....

" gulf.....gulfiee...babiee" mew called on...
but no response! 

he heard water splashing sound in washroom after a few second! 
oh he is in washroom! 

suddenly Gulf's phone started buzzing loudly! 

"Guuuulf someone is calling "

"r-recieve  it" mew heard a fiant Shaking voice from washroom

"hello mr.kanawut....we'd like to remind you...you have an appointment  with lawyer mr. jumpol
at 5 pm..your divorce papers are ready....! we would like to have you at our office in time.. thank you"


a few hours ago at 8:30 in morning

gulf woke up feeling nauseous! 
it's been one week he's not feeling well...evryday throwing up now & then...
suddenly he ran towards washroom... puking everything out in commode! 

"arg...i can't take it anymore "

he called mild
"hello mild...today's as well"

yeh mild knew about it too...gulf was scared he's gonna die.. he didnt have heart to tell mew this news...so he told mild on 3rd day of continuous event!

"today too?? Gulf i told you to buy a kit..did You yet??" mild said sternly

"mild....DONT start again...! it's nothing like what you assuming!  We always use protection & im sure i'm not a carrier "

"You sure u used protection evrytime? even condom have a quite high  failure  rate"

"shit shit...the first night..i-i was drunk...i-i...."

"kanawut...D-did you buy the kit yet??" mild screamed

"y-yeah! i bought yesterday " gulf panicked

"test now...& let me know asap" mild told & hanged up

Gulf's hand was shaking to bring out the kit!
No it's not happening... i Cant__ Not right now! i still havent graduate..what if i die  while giving birth? i heard it's painful...male pregnancy have complications...  Nooo..i can never be p-preg... No No...

suddenly gulf heard mew calling him

he was too scared to respond..he switched on shower!

after doing procedure he was waiting for result! 

"Gulf... someone's calling you" gulf heard mew again..

"r-recieve it.." gulf's voice was shaking in fear

5 mnts felt like eternity! 

"MEW FUCKING SUPPASIT.....Y-YOU MADE ME PREGNANT!  DAMMIT!!!!  Gulf cried out loud...................

......................FINISHED ....................

so yeah we are at the end of this fiction...!  while starting it i never thought i"ll be able to finish it..but yeah here i am...! thank you each & Everyone for staying with me... for evry cute sweet funny comment..!  Hope to see you again with another fic! keep mewgulfing.....!☀️🌻

ps # plz Do let me know how was the whole fiction! i" ll wait for your feedback!  😊😊😊

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