Chapter 3- getting comfortable

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The queen helped me get dressed and took me back to her room. She smiles at me and says "are you tired?" I shake my head yes and she smiles "ok wait here for a second I need to change'' I nod and she walks into her closet I sit down on her couch and play with the end of my dress I zone out and jump when I hear the queen say "I'm back" I turn to look at her to see her hair in a braid and she's wearing nightclothes her face is bear and she has a friendlier approach to her I nod and she says "let's go to sleep" she holds a hand out to me and I take it hesitantly the queen walks over to her bed and grabs me by my underarms she lifts me slightly and my eyes widen she sets me on the bed and gets in on the other side I sit there criss cross and look at my hands the queen smiles and says "do you still feel sick?" I look up and meat her eyes before slowly shaking my head no she nods and pulls back the cover she crawls below them and I follow she waves her hand and all the lights go out I pull the blanket up to my neck and the queen says "goodnight my little princess" I open my mouth to speak and wait a second before saying "goodnight your majesty" I close my eyes and go over the day in my head before drifting into a peaceful sleep...

I wake up and notice I'm laying on something I look down and pale I'm laying the queen and she's has her arms around me protectively I look around to see a little light shining through the window by my guess it's probably about 6:30 I just lay there for a while something about being in the queens arms gives me comfort but Im scared to open up to her I lay there for a while and start to drift back to sleep...

Regina's POV-
I open my eyes and feel a small weight on me I look down confused but my heart skips a beat at the sight Charlotte Is sound asleep and she's laying with her small body on me I smile and feel tears to my eyes I found my daughter the one thing I have left of Daniel and I love her more than anything but I don't know her I don't know what her personality like or her favorite things I'm supposed to I'm her mother but she called me your majesty I want to tell her she can call me by my name or mom but I don't wanna push her I sigh and feel her move slightly then she whimpers. I furrow my brow and move her hair out of her face to see her forehead dripping with sweat. I sit up slightly with her still on top of me and she starts shaking a little. I rub her back and say worriedly "Charlotte.." She opens her eyes and gaps for air I grab both sides of her face and she looks at me fearfully and panting she starts to squirm and look around I say "hay...hay it's ok... calm down" her big glossy brown eyes move up to meet mine tears start to build and fall from her face I gasp and pull her into my arms she starts sobbing and i just rock her back and forth in my arms after a while her crying slows and she just lays limply in my arms making no sound but an exausinal sniffle after a while I here a small voice say "re...Regina" I look down at Charlotte giving her my full attention while trying to hide my smile and say "yes" she looks up into my eyes and says "what happened" I look at her confused and she says "how where we separated" my heart skips a beat at the question but I start telling the story anyway

The queen looks down to her secret princess lying peacefully asleep in her arms after Daniel died keeping the baby a secret from everyone but daddy and snow is hard and I can't trust snow to keep her mouth shut forever and Charlotte will only get older I sigh and the door opens I assume it daddy but when I look up my worst fear is made reality my mother walks in and looks at the baby in my arms with disgust she says "you really think you could keep her a secretary from me I've known all along I thought i would let you keep her for a while but tomorrow you move in with the king and we can't have her messing with my plans'' i pale and say "no" mother laughs and says "i'm doing this for your own good Regina '' i stand and hold charlotte close but my mother is more powerful than me and my daughters madgects out of my arms into my mothers i scream "mother NO!' she sighs and says "when will you get over everything and do what's necessary for power" charlotte starts to cry and i say "i don't want power!" mother laughs and says "foolish girl you don't know what you want" mother starts to walk away and i scream "MOTHER PLEASE!" she diapers in a cloud of smoke and I fall to the ground sobbing...

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