AN: If you skip to the bottom of the chapters you can find who's face I have put for Dawn xx
It was late at night in Mystic Falls, It was a full moon Elena was sat in the Grill with her friends after closing time as they wanted a bit of fun to let lose so they compelled the owner to let them have a bit of after hours fun.
Music was blasting around the Grill Elena and Caroline were dancing while Bonnie and Damon where talking, Stefan was getting a drink and Matt and Tyler were talking with Stefan behind the bar.
2 hours past Bonnie suddenly felt this pit in her stomach and it felt like she was going to be sick so she rushed to the bathroom with everyone else following to make sure she's okay.
"you okay Bon-Bon?" Damon asked while putting a hand on her back comforting her, A shiver raised down her spine as she heard the Grill door open, she swiftly stood up and went to go check who it was because she didn't have a good feeling about it.
The whole gang looked at the girl confused as she was covered in dry mud and ripped cloths, she had tears running down her face, her eyes full of confusion and terror as she didn't know what was going on. The last thing the brunet remembered was her darling loves chocolate brown eyes.
"you okay there?" Elena questioned as she slowly approached the scared girl. The girl only looked at her in fear she stepped back a few times "Its okay I'm not going to hurt you, were not going to hurt you" Elena said as she gestured to the rest of the gang. but the small girl didn't say anything she didn't trust her voice so she nodded and Elena walked up to her and put a comforting had on her upper arm, the small girl smiled slightly "Do you want to talk about what happened" Elena offered the girl.
The brunet shook her head no as she didn't quite know herself. Her head began to race as She thought of Nik, Rebekah, Kol, Elijah and Finn. She hoped they were okay, she knew what they were and she accepted that but after an incident with Niklaus killing someone and triggering his werewolf gene. Mikael didn't only want revenge on Ester he wanted to punish Nik to so the only way he thought how was to kill his best friend.
her... forgetting that this will not only affect Klaus but it would also affect the rest of the siblings. This is why Klaus mostly acts out of anger and why he wants to protect his family more than anything he didn't want a repeat of what happened, This is why he ripped out his mothers heart because it was her fault this happened, It was her fault his best friend died the only person who could keep his anger clam like waves after a storm.
This is why Rebekah acts on love, she loved her nearly sister-in-law more than anything so when she died Rebekah vowed to find love, for her, she wanted to make her sister proud she wanted to be happy for her, but she couldn't keep that vow because Nik was scared of losing more family so he killed anyone she loved or made her leave.
This is why Elijah has very high morels and very loyal to his family as he watched as he and his brother watched his father mercilessly kill the innocent girl out of a fit of rage he was supposed to protect her, he gave his word to her that he would but he could barely move when he saw the girl dead at his fathers hands. This was the only time Elijah had broken his word and from that day on he made sure he didn't brake another one, only if necessary for his family.
This is why Kol was crazy, manic uncontrollable he had lost the love of his life, his fiancé, his future wife, the woman who was supposed to carry his children, before they were turned into vampires, so when she died he lost all hope he became psychotic you would call him a ripper at first glance but he isn't he knows how to stop but it distracts him, it stops him thinking about his blue eyed brunet. So when he found out she was dead you would expect him to kill people and go crazy. But no. He cried, he cried and cried until he was dry. It was only a year after her death that Kol became ruthless with his girl not there to stop him he would do anything and everything to get her out of his head.
"you can come to my house and get a shower and clean up a bit" Stefan offered the vulnerable girl, Damon shook his head in agreement. she replied by nodding her head yes her eyes said a 'thankyou' when she looked at him and he gave her a pity smile as he could see that she was not in a good state
Damon, Elena and Stefan showed the blue eyed girl to the car and drove off to the boarding house. while the others cleaned up the Grill, they would have gone with them but they didn't want to over whelm her as she was in a pretty fragile state, so Elena said she would call them so inform them on what had happened and who the girl was.
Damon showed the girl to his room as he had the best shower in the house. She looked around the mansion curiously as she had never seen anything quite like it as she had been dead for a 1000 years.
"the towels are in there" Damon pointed at a smallish cabinet "and some cloths Elena let you borrow" he smiled down the girl. When he first saw her he thought she was crazy or something for rolling around in the dirt, but when he noticed the girl didn't know what was going on and looked traumatized he wanted to help her. he didn't know what inside him made him want to help her he just did.
"Thankyou" the girls voice came out quite and crackly like she hadn't talked in days maybe even years. Damon smiled at the girl and left the room to give her some privacy. he went down to were Stefan and Elena were and they were talking about if she was dangerous or not.
after 20 minutes the brunet walked down the stairs admiring the place still. The girl paused as she heard a bit of there conversation.
"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise" She says lowly that a human wouldn't be able to hear but because they're vampires they heard perfectly and all there heads snapped to her they tilted there head questionably "your vampires right? yea I don't and cant hurt vampires I'm only human" the girl explained.
The 3 vampires stood there stunned as she could know that their vampires there were a few moments of silenced before Stefan spoke up "Why don't we start off easy I'm Stefan and this is my brother Damon and that's Elena" The youngest Salvatore explained "what's your name" he asked
"Dawn, Dawn Elodie"

The Mikaelson's Girl (Kol.M)
FanfictionWhat if there what another person who knew the Mikaelson's before they got turned into Vampires. What if Niklaus had a best friend in the other world and stuck with Klaus through everything and helped him against his father. What if Rebekah had a si...