Sam's Intro

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And here's Sam!

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Hello, everybody!

This is the story of a man who lived a long time ago. And his name was Uncle Noah.

Now, Uncle Noah had to save some animals from a flood so he built a really really big boat.

And he called that really big boat "Uncle Noah's Ark". 

There were some ducks on the ark and the ducks went "Quack!".

Can you do that with us? The ducks went "Quack!".

The cows went "Moo!".

Now, Uncle Noah had a rooster on the ark. And the rooster went "Cock-a-doodle-doo!".

There were some cats on the ark and the cats made a terrible row! They went "Meow!".

There was a little pig on the ark and the little pig went...

How did that little pig go? It went...

Oh well. 

There were some goats on the ark. And the goats shook their heads. And they went "Maaa! Maaa!".

Let's see. What else was there on the ark?

Some donkeys! Let's see some long ears, donkeys!

And the donkeys went "Hee-haw! Hee-haw!".

Gawrsh, it was noisy on the ark. But it was lots of fun too.

So why don't you come on board Uncle Noah's Ark with us?

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