" I told the stars about you"

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The ballroom is so spacious when it is just us two dancing to our own makeshift music. I never knew it was this big when it is filled with people it looks so small. "I told the stars about you" I looked at him gaining enough confidence to speak to him. I am memorized by his beauty, what have I done to deserve this dance with this Greek god? For I am nothing more than just a servant and him of royal blood. " I told the stars about you" I pick up my sentence again "but they laughed at me, said, " he doesn't even know that you exist, and please do not get me wrong for I know that they are true but this love I have for you are...they real?" My love just smiled at me and spun me around and dipped me " I didn't tell the stars about you because they would never understand, they would have told me off despite my open hands they do not feel this trust for they are simply echoes of a dead or dying husk. Do not get me wrong my love tis' not because I am scared but because I can't bring myself no matter of longing to lay my feelings bare" My head is feeling hazy, why is the room spinning so much? Have I gotten too dizzy from all the spinning? Everything seems to be fading away. I want to stay longer I don't want to leave I want to stay here in this spacious ballroom hearing the fire crackle from the fireplace having my dear in my arms. "My love I do not wish to leave, please don't make me leave I want to stay here with you" I plead to him "My moon, you will return to me again maybe in another lifetime but we will meet again I will promise this on the solar eclipse for that is when the moon and sun finally meet each other." He kissed my forehead and with that everything faded.

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