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Taehyung POV.

"hi taekookers" I said as I wave infront the camera "I think you already have a hint what I'm doing today because I'm alone" I turn my head to the left and right just to make sure that I'm all alone

"I'm going to prank kookie once again" I smile shipley " today or more likely tonight, me and jungkook decided to watch a movie" I said

"Then I remembered this prank last time it was hilarious that when I watched it I laugh so loud even the baby inside of me I can feel it laughing, the last he prank he made almost become a bold, for me he didn't succeed to that because it was to short" I said while laughing

"So now I decided to prank him, this prank wouldn't be that big it just a small prank a simple prank, I saw this on tiktok so I decided to do it to jungkook, the scenario will be like this" I made myself comfortable sitting on the bed

"I will ask him like what he wil do if ever we broke up then when reply to that with what I will said that I will go back to my ex, while watching the other tiktokers who prank their partners made me so laugh at their reaction" I explained

" I will ask him at the middle of the movie, i will place this camera on my work table because that is where I left it so it wouldn't be suspicious, lets do this prank and let's see his reaction, by the way if your curious where's the bunny he is in the kitchen preparing our movie snack so bye meet you in a milli second" I laugh at the end

I place the camera on the table, the same spot as it was awhile ago, I waited for kookie

The door room open "snack here" he said excitedly, of course he is excited coz we are going to watch ironman, we played rock,paper And scissors who will be the winner he will be the one to decide what movie to watch and of course he won, he is still excited even though we watched it already like million of time already

I move myself to the headboard, jungkook sat beside me while holding chips that is on the bowl, he grab the remote and search the ironman

"Kookie can we please watch the it's time to let go (I don't know if there is movie with that tittle but that is the tittle of my new taekook oneshot ) I plead to him

"Nope you said it yourself who wins he will decide, so backing out" he said while scrolling "okay fine" I said while crossing my arms

The movie is starting I look at the tv while eating chips,I glance at jungkook he was so focus watching the movie

He nerver find it boring even he already watched it a lot of times already tsk tsk

After a half an hour we are almost at the half of the movie so I decided to start the prank, I smirk at myself

Jungkook is hugging me sideway by my waist "kookie" I said softly but he didn't look at me he was so focus on the movie "kookie" I call him once again still no response

"Jungkookie" I said he just glance to me for a second but he turn back again to the movie

"Baby do you need anything?" He ask me still his eyes focus on the movie "kookie look at me" he turn to look at "yes?" He said while taking a little glance at the tv

"Kookie ask me what I will do if ever we broke up" I said looking at him but then his eyes are looking at the tv again "yah jungkook-ah" I said a bit irritated, he instantly turn to look at me

"What was that again baby?" You can sense a bit of nervousness on his face, he really know how I slowly get irritated on simple things this days because of my pregnancy

"I said ask me what I will do if ever we broke up" I said he look at me confused "hmmm.. if we broke up what will you do??" He ask still confuse with little glancing on the tv, this bastard can't he really stop looking at the tv for just a minute only hyst

Backfired Prank (Taekook Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now