Story Number 2?

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((Wassup?I haven't been on at all because i lost my password and i forget alot so sorry.. but to make up or it HOW BOUT A STORY EH?))

It was finally the New Year,it was the time of the year,so you decided to go and buy something special for your one and only father that you grew up with since you were just a small little adorable,baby.Who you love oh so much,it was about 6:00 AM in the morning,so father would be asleep,but he would soon be awake for work,so you silently went down the stairs from your room and quietly went outside,it was dark still but soon the sun would be out,the store was open of course.You had alot of money that your father gave you.You went to the store that wasnt really far,it was by the park,you went in,few people were actually there.

You went around and looked for the items you needed.Those of which were a medium sized box that was covered in stars.You also grabbed some plain cards, ribbons, glitter and such,as well as a bag of cotton,some sewing items,and a pink fabric and buttons.You collected some other items as well,then you went to the counter and paid for the items.You grabbed the bags and went home,it was now almost seven,your father should be at work at this time.As you opened the door,with a spare key you had,you went in and closed the door and locked it so your father wouldnt suspect that you went anywhere.

You went up to your room and placed down the bags and got out the cotton bag,the pink fabric,the sewing items and the buttons,you got one of the ribbons and the bottle of the purple and white glitter you had brought.You had learned how to made stuffed animals at school,you kept every one you made in class in your room.You followed the steps of making the animal.The animal you were making was a bunny,You had stuffed in the cotton into the pink fabric that you had sewed together,You stitched in the buttons for the eyes and in the middle of the "Stomach" area.

You carefully somehow glued on the purple and white glitter both onto the bunny,so it was sparkly and mostly the best on you made without a teacher,to your peers and teachers it would look horrible but you,yourself had thought it was pretty.For the final touches,you carefully tied a ribbon on the right ear.You then placed it carefully in the box and set it aside,you then grabbed the cards and got out your art materials out of your grabbed your pencil and your color pencils and started to write a small note.

The note said 'Dear Father,since it is the new year,i have decided to make a special present for you,i made it myself...i really hope you like it,i made it all this morning while you were at work,and i am sorry that i snuck out the house to get the things i needed,but i wanted it to be a surprise.I really want you to keep this close to you,

Love you Daddy...And Happy New Year!

-From (Y/N) 

You turned it over and started to draw both you and your father together,you shaded it in and put some glitter on it.You then leaned it carefully on the bunny that you had made and slowly closed the box,you wrapped it in the one other ribbon you had brought.You then went ahead and placed it ontop of the TV in the living room.You then turned on the tv and went to sit down on the couch and waited for father to come home.

After waiting and watching of whatever was on,father was finally home,you heard the door opened and smiled happily,you went and ran to hug him,He smiled and hugged back.You tugged at his coat for him to follow you.He nodded and followed you as you brought him into the living room.You pointed at the box and looked up at him.He went to grab it and sit down,you followed and proceeded to sit in his lap.He placed it in your lap and opened it,he grabbed the card as you looked up at him as he read it outloud.After reading it his smile was even brighter.He picked up the bunny you had made and hugged you close.

You has smiled as well and hugged him back,He had said thank you,and promised to keep it close to him forever no matter what.You smiled and snuggled into his arms and lowly whispered.'Happy New Years...Father...'

(Well then.....That was interesting wasnt it?I hope you enjoyed this if you bothered to read it,good for you!until next time youll just have to bye~)

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