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                                                                         ROSE POV

my bueaty sleep was broke when i get hit on my head . i groan in annoyence . i get up  still rubbing my head i look at  window ,but my eyes got widen when i saw jimin ,yes jimin,but what is he doing at late night near our ordinaries dorm , i ran toward him to make him go away or  he will put himself in trouble because he already sneek out in night but also he came in ordinaries dorm , which was strictly not permited . 

" yah why are you here " i asked him getting near him ,  i saw he was hanging with the  help of rope which is way more risky ,what if he fall ..

"you will fall jimin , why you come here , what if something happ-

" listen listen rose , i am here for imortant thing , jennie is in trouble " when he said that jennie unnie's name .my ears alerted 

" what do you mean "

" she was gone in prison , taehyung was there gone to take her out ,i was coming to meet you but we saw jennie  going there ,so taehyung follow her and i came here too tell you " jimin  said

" but why don't you use the main gate " i asked 

" that is because  there was guards standing and do you want me to tell whole reason , "

" wait here , " 

i ran toward jisoo unnie and lisa to wake them up to tell them about jennie unnie 

right now we all are heading toward somewhere , i also don't know where but jimin was taking us there .jisoo unnie was super worried , we keep walking slowly so no one can see uss , only thing i know right now is we are heading toward dark side it might be prison , i  don't know what jennie unnie was doing there , she rarely tell us anything but why , didn't we are together to do something .  

                                                                             AUTHOR POV

jimin was taking them to there hideout , when thry  arrive there , the three girls were shocked when they saw other prince except of taehyung was present there , they were looking like they are going to eat them,the girls enter slowly,jisoo feel that something is wrong ,  its not look like what its looks right now , while lisa was processing that the six prince was standing in front of her , and rose looks confuse ,  jisoo  was bit scared about , what if they find out who they are so she break the silence trying not be weak 

" what are we doing here , didn't you  say jennie was in trouble " 

" yes she is , but taehung went to take her , but today we have  called you here for some other thing  " yoongi asked in pure cold voice , which somehow scare the girls , this  time there shield jennie was also not here ,

yoongi was not taking any part in any kind of buisness  related to academy because he was already suspicious about this four  girls , he with the help of  krystal was trying to invade it  , and they do know bit about them .

after minute pass , they saw big door open entering jennie and taehyung , jennie was still in cover , when she look up she saw her three sisters and other six prince to ,her eyes wided and mouth gasped , she know that she totally domed it now , now there is no  way she could come out of these situation because she think the seven prince will tell king about it , because she still can't trust them , they are very loyal to there father . jisoo lisa rose ran toward jennie ,  

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