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Two Dumb-a$$'s Now Make Three 😭

17 Years Ago - Kusuke's P.O.V.

Y/N's smile has terrified Kusuke ever since he was a little boy. When he was able to comprehend her actions, he would make a mental note of it and act accordingly. He could tell the difference between her smiles, such as when she is safe to approach and when to run as fast as he could. Of course, he could never escape her and his little schemes would always fall flat. Although his big sister would always let him apologise and hug it out. It would all be okay in the end, but that all changed one day...

That day was when Mama Saiki came downstairs with the news that would change the world very soon: SHE WAS PREGNANT. Y/N was overjoyed with the news, but Kusuke felt sick with worry with the thought that either the new sibling would be like him or what if they were exactly like her?!? This thought made him extremely uncomfortable and terrified, he didn't know what to do.

Two against one just isn't fair!! So for the next eight or so months, he decided to prepare for his inevitable d3ath. So when the ill-fated day arrived he wrote out his last will and testament, set it on his desk and lied down to d*e. After what felt like hours of lying there with tears streaming down his face his sister came to collect him, but her steps faltered.

Y/N P.O.V.

She had her hand hovering over the doorknob to Kusuke's room when she heard the unmistakable sound of a small child crying with defeated hiccups. It was her little brother without a doubt! So as not to disturb him, she decided to read his mind so she could comfort him in a way he needed without him needing to tell her what was wrong.

The swirling emotions inside his head were so overwhelming, Y/N found herself with tears streaming down her face. She only noticed when she felt something wet on her hand a stray teardrop fell on it. 'Enough is enough' she thought to herself "I need to comfort him now before it gets out of hand" she muttered out loud quietly. She quietly but quickly entered his room, picked him up and held him close as his crying became a wailing sob.

"Dear little one please stop crying, what your feeling is valid. But so very not true, if he is like me so be it but if he's like you so be it too. Your place in this family does not change you do not need to be worried about anything that's going to happen. Whatever will be will be you are still my little brother, I love you, Mama loves you and Papa loves you. We all love you and our new baby brother will love you too. Just give him a chance to love you and maybe you'll love him too, just like you love me."

She held a handkerchief up to his nose and said "Now blow and after we are going to meet our new baby brother at the hospital, dad is here to pick us up okay" Kusuke jumped down out of her lap still sniffling and holding out his hand for her's. She stood up, took his tentative little hand and lead him out to the car.

On the way to the hospital because of how much he cried Kusuke fell asleep beside Y/N, she cradled his head in her lap. She smiled and stroked his hair while humming the melody Mama Saiki had hummed to both of them when they were babies. She looked out the window and thought 'I wonder what this new little one will bring to this family?'.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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