chap 1

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so u r like driving o,n the road n whattevr n u thikn "yo i rly wan a snaek" so u git in ur car n u try 2 find a pet sotre but u cnat so u start gettin distraut n so u lok it up on ur fone n u find 1 called "dingelhoppr pet shop" so u try to drive there but u cnat
so u git a tAxi insted n u say 'hey taxi guy taek mi 2 teh dingglehopper pet stroe k" so tha drievr taeks u their so u gut out n pay him n then u goh inside the pet stoer an u look at he snaeks n u c 1 taht is liek supr dupper cute n its blue n red n its superr cute so u say "yo i wan this snaek" so u get the snaek n u driev home so when u get hoem u open the box w/ tha snaek imside n its stil super cuet but then it say "my naem is solllux n im an alein im not a snaek n im frum a place caled altrenia" u gsp in horor "y r u a snaek then" "idk" the snaek or soluzx watever seys so the. it says agen "naow i have 2 kil u cuz u kno im an aleien" so it bietes u so u die but then it tuerns in2 a greay tinhg wi/ hrons n it p cuet but ur ded so u dont c it the end

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