1. Brooklyn Ann

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As I approach an empty street, the wind blows my dark brown hair back. My body shivers when it realizes that it was an inconvenient day to wear a black dress and closed heels. The sound of my heels as they hit the pavement echoed near an alley. The opening was dark and shadows were hidden. I felt my legs start walking faster, eager to reach the next street. I crossed my arms protectively over my chest and crossed the street. A small breeze ran across my legs which I became used to after the last five times. Although my house was two blocks away, I honestly felt like it would take an eternity. The morning sun was out and shining rays of light onto my skin. The warmth travelled through my body, heating the parts that had become frozen from earlier. I ran a hand through my hair as I passed a red car with someone inside. I smiled and kept walking.

I reached a creamy beige colored house with the roof a slightly darker color. The colors blended to create a nice outline. It was three floor which included an attic. The windows were clear and the sunlight bounced off them. From a distance, the balcony floor wasn't as visible but it was made out an elegant yet simple marble flooring. The entrance to the balcony was covered with a stainless glass door. The lock to the front door was secured with a fingerprint scan and key. My upgraded black BMW was parked behind the garage door while my white 2015 Toyota corolla was inside. The front yard had mowed green lawn with three different rose bushes. The walk way had cement blocks that looked cut into fourths. The walk way was also outlined with rocks that go around the perimeter of the lawn.

As soon as I took the last step, I opened the door with my key and placed my forefinger at the knob until there was a green light. When I heard a small click, I opened the door and went in. I searched through files that were given to me last week. I needed a report for my last case for the trial of the accused. The sooner the report is ready, the faster the trial will be addressed. Therefore, I inferred that having the report done today would grant me more time in the future.

As I shuffled through the last file, I grabbed a packet with the information of this case. Since I had arrested the criminal, I had to give details that will lead to the truth. I walked upstairs and down a small hall. I read over the case as I searched for anything that I did not catch at the beginning. I leaned against the door to my bedroom and grabbed a highlighter from a small closet in where I keep materials. Using my teeth to grab the cap, I held the highlighter tightly. I highlighted a sentence that proved the person that was accused was the unidentified person. I started highlighting parts that were similar from the unidentified person and the criminal. Everything started to make sense.

I opened the door to my room. The walls were a light cream color that built in the sun rays. My bed was neatly done and near the window. Next to the window, there was a glass door that led to the balcony. My closet was on the opposite side of the window. The door was closed and it revealed a mirror. I walked passed the long mirror to come upon another solid door. This one was opened to show the a big bathroom that had a white toilet and a tub. The mirror on the sink had two lights above it. The floor was tiled and a towel laid ontop of it. I leaned down to grab it and put it back on the rack. I walked out and laid the papers on my bed. I sat down on my chair in front of my laptop. I opened it and turned it on. I grabbed it and carried it to my bed. I started typing the report and began analyzing the information thoroughly before the trial.

I lost track of time until I heard my stomach growl. It was past lunch time and it was close to dinner. I decided to take a break. I went downstairs and made a sandwich with the ingredients that were necessary. I opened a water bottle and took a drink. I hadn't realized how parched my throat was until I swallowed another gulp. I took a bite from the imperfect sandwich. The different colors mixed to create a divine flavor. I was hungry and my devouring proved it. After I swallowed, I felt the food travel to my stomach. The drink felt cold in my body as if a finger that was frozen ran down my skin. I put the bottle in a recycling bin and the plate in the sink. I was taking the last steps to get upstairs when I heard my phone ring. I didn't bother to look at the caller ID when I answered.

"Hello?" I answered and carefully, sat down on the third to last step.

"Brooklyn?"her smooth voice asked. I knew she was at home because her voice was relaxed. Since she wasn't required to write a report, she seemed to be enjoying herself. Yet, her voice didn't seem excited. It was my work partner, Alyssa.

"Yeah, is there any new cases?"I asked and fixed my phone.

"Nope, just wanted to check in. I haven't heard from you since last night. Thought maybe you were kidnapped so you wouldn't present at court,"she explained and laughed at the same time. I listened as she settled and said, "But, anyway, what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to finish the report,"I said without emotion. I stretch my legs so I take up the full step. I lean an elbow on the top step.

"You are always working,"Alyssa said. I imagined her flip her light brown hair as she leaned forward.

"I'm taking a small break,"I replied and realized how small my break was. I barely ate something and I was about to go do work again.

"I don't know about you but since the agency will not need us today, I'm going to eat out. Do you want to tag along?" I was confused by her question at first but after a while of silence, I understood what she meant. I hesitated.

I knew she was right. I did need a larger amount of time for a break. I am always working and I don't have time to rest. Therefore, I spend nights without sleep and living only with tea or coffee. The times that I had a good night sleep can easily be counted using my fingers. Although I can be tired and easily fall asleep, even the tiniest sound can wake me up. My senses are always alerted and the best part is that they are essential during investigations.

I bite my lip after I reply. Honestly, my answer was disappointing to her and I. I wasn't allowing myself to relax and forget about work.

"Oh come on!" She almost yelled on the phone. I had to move away from it. "Well, too bad because you are coming. I'll pick you up at 5."

"I own two cars,"I remind her. I could see her shrug.

"Still picking you up,"she said. "See you." I shook my head and hang up. I stand up and quickly move upstairs. I saved my document and then stacked the files together. I put my laptop back on the desk and the files in a drawer. I bit my tongue as I locked the drawer.

"After all, I do deserve a break,"I whispered to myself when I opened my closet. Although I was wearing an appropriate outfit for the occasion, I didn't want to wear this anymore. Alyssa wasn't specific in where we were going which meant I would have to guess. According to the places she's taken me before, there isn't a specific order. Sometimes she doesn't even know where to go so we end up walking streets until we find a restaurant.

I searched through my closet. Since Alyssa wasn't specific in where we were going, I didn't know exactly what to wear. After searching for five minutes and knowing there was no way to figure out what I would wear, I stretched my arm and grabbed the first dress that I touch. It turned out to be a black lace dress that forms a high collar then a solid black that outlines the body. I sighed and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and tested the water. I removed my clothes and went in.

After seeing myself in the mirror, I knew that the outfit was good enough. The dress brought figure to my body and my light rose pink platform heels were kissing my feet. My hair was down and in waves after I braided it. I had light make up on yet my eyes popped out with the black eyeliner I put on. I ran a careless hand through my hair and walked to my closet to get a jacket. I got a hold of a leather jacket and put it on. I walked out of the room and then went downstairs. The heels echoed as I walked down each step. After replaying my image in my head, I convinced myself today wasn't going to be that bad.

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