2. Alyssa Marie

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Walking into Dr. Mann's room, I held my clipboard tightly. There was a funky smell coming out if it which made me feel dizzy. Without yhinking, I took a step forward to see what she was working on. There were two worms in a container and clothing laid our with blood. I gagged. She laughed as she saw me pinching my nose.

"Is everything okay, Agent?"she asked. She fixed her glasses and looked back down on the clothing. I sighed before I asked what she had found. "Interesting question. According to these worms, the body was on the floor for a couple of hours. The body was then removed and packaged here. I have already sent a blood sample to make sure the blood is the victim's."

"Do you know where the body was placed on the ground?" I asked, lifting up an eyebrow.

"Not exactly but I could describe the place. These type of worms usually live under soil to keep nutrition and contact with sun rays. The body could have been placed in a garden."

"And the clothing?" I asked, stopping the worm conversation.

"Designer clothing but it's formal as if she worked somewhere fancy."

Dr. Mann is in her late thirties with big brown eyes and glasses she rarely wears. Her short blonde hair barely reaches her shoulder. It's wavy and softly brushed. Her lab is a small room which we were barely able to afford to build. The walls are white but outlined light blue. There was a 'I love Science' poster hanging on the wall. A small window was looking on the larger wall which shone some light. There was a large brown table that held a telescope and graduated cylinders. On a steel table, it held the evidence.

Fixing her gloves, she lifted up the clothing and searched through the pockets. I saw a pattern in the blood. I grabbed a camera from the table and took a picture. Dr. Mann took a step back. She examined the patterned and her eyes widened.

"It's letters! I'm not sure what they say, though,"she said. I took more pictures from different angles.

"I'm going to take this to Brooklyn,"I assured and tightly, grabbed the camera. Dr. Mann began to search the pockets again. She found a business card. Clara Anderson. The Sawyer Company. There was two phone number and email addresses. "This is my section." Dr. Mann put the card in a plastic bag and handed it to me. "Let me know if you find anything else."

I walked to my office and sat down. I grabbed the office phone and began to dial the first number. There was no reply. This must have been her phone number. I grabbed a sticky note and copied down the number then I posted it on my laptop. I called the second number. There were three rings before someone picked up.

"The Sawyer Company. Sandra speaking. How may I help you?"a young voice asked. I cleared my throat and examined the card.

"Hi, my name is Alyssa and I'm just calling for Clara Anderson,"I said.

"She has not been signed in for nine days. I'm sorry, please call tomorrow and ask for her again,"Sandra said.

"Actually, I have one more request,"I said, not waiting for her to reply. "Can I talk to your boss?"

"I'm sorry but Mr. Sawyer is currently in a meeting. I could tell him to return the call in half an hour."

"That's alright thank you." I hung up and after I did, Brooklyn rushed in. She looked at me seriously, telling me through her eyes that she had found something. "What is it?"

"I found a bullet located in the victim's chest,"she said. "The victim is Clara Anderson."

"Yeah, I just got off from talking to the company she works for. The Sawyer Company,"I replied. "Was the bullet cause of death?"

"That's the thing,"she smirked and continued, "it wasn't." I nodded and she gives me the file with information which I go over. Everything seems accurate. I tell her what I found out and she sighs when I tell her there's no location yet. While I am explaining this to her, I'm also searching up for The Sawyer company and printed out the articles that I found.

"Do you think that an employee could've killer her?"I asked Brooklyn. She shrugs.

"We still need evidence until we could come to a conclusion,"she said. She crossed her arms and sat down, waiting for the call. We read the articles while we waited and highlighted important parts. "Austin Sawyer just got married to a woman named Jasmine Montserrat. We have suspects."

"Yes, all of the people in that company,"I said.

"We need to interrogate Austin Sawyer as soon as possible. He should have the information of everyone in the company. Plus, we need people who could have been rivals with Clara."

"He'll call,"I said, knowing how umaptient Brooklyn was. "He'll call." That last part wasn't for her but for me because I had started to doubt he would. I searched up an image of Austin Sawyer.

Through the picture, he was breathtaking. He had beautiful green eyes and brown hair. His face was structured in a decent way and his smile was captivating. He looked like a model more than a CEO. We have seen many but none of them looked as young and handsome as him. After a couple of minutes, I received the call we were waiting for. Picking up, I answered, trying not to get nervous.

"I was informed that you wanted to speak with me?"his voice said. It sounded professional but somehow, it gave me chills down my spine. I pressed the speaker so that Brooklyn would be able to hear.

"Yes, that is correct,"I said.

"May I ask for your name?"

"Alyssa Gomez,"I replied.

"Well, Alyssa, how may I help you?"he asked, sounding attentive.

"Is there any way we could have a meeting together?"

"As you may understand, I am a very busy man-"

"I understand but it is very important. It has to do with Clara Anderson, an employee from your company." There was silence on the other line.

"Is something wrong with Ms. Anderson?"he asked after a couple of seconds.

"That's the topic I would like to discuss,"I said, seriously.

"Wednesday at 3 will work. I'll be waiting in my office,"he said. Brooklyn nodded in approval.

"Yes, thank you. I hope to see you then,"I said and hung up. Brooklyn looked at me and quickly knew something was wrong.

"Something's wrong with you." She examined my face and turned my laptop. The picture of Austin Sawyer was still on. Her eyes widen at the view of his image. "Oh."

"That's not it,"I lied. I cleared my throat, trying to refute what she was thinking.

"Just because this man is decent doesn't mean he is innocent nor guilty,"she stated. "We must not judge based on looks. We must not fall for his looks."

"I know,"I say, weakly. She sighed.

"I will be going with you on Wednesday and I will be doing most of the interrogation."

I nod, knowing that I would be sensitive towards him. I need to become tough and a stone. I need to be able to see things differently. When I do, I will finally be the agent that makes me.

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