The mission p. 2

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After driving a long time you and Illumi finally get to the mission spot you both get the walky talkies. And you get your swords from the trunk to use for the mission. You later see hisoka. (He came after he was watching over Gon). "Hey my little toy" hisoka says in a mischievous tone. You roll your eyes and ask what the plan is. "Well there is 14 people in that restaurant and the place where all the money downstairs so we use Y/N as bait and dress her up as a waitress and we sneak in Y/N you try and get the boss then kill him got it illumi says. He always has a plan for everything, you nod your head. You first sneak in and head to the bathroom then you see a waitress come in and you snap her neck and swap clothes with her you leave the body in a stall. You grab your walkie talkie and tell hisoka and Illumi that your ready. Your wearing a short gold dress with a  slit and the girls name tags lol it says "Abigail" man this sucks why couldn't one of them be a waitress and plus i hate wearing dresses but i can't fail this mission. You walk out the bathroom with the dress on and you hide the walkie talkie in the ladies purse you stole. Then you walk around with a platter of drinks. You tell hisoka and Illumi that the coast is clear they sneak in the main room wearing suit trying to blend in. They look nice. Let me focus ughhh. The boss of the group calls you over there for a drink and he tries to grab your ass until hisoka and illumi come and save you. Yaaaaay you walk away and they tell you through your walkie talkie to be more careful theres men everywhere and that they got the money you guys run to the car till you see a drunk worker outside he grabs your ass and says. "Hey doll mind coming home with me tonight i can treat you better than these chumps" you use all your bloodlust and say don't objectify women and dont grab my ass" your grab the hand he touched your ass with and broke it" he screams "AAAAAH YOUR A CRAZY BITCH YOU KNOW THAT". "You turn around with bloodlust and say "what did you say to me you shit" hisoka and illumi watch to see what you will do. "You go up to him and whisper "dont call me crazy" and stab him in the throat then you drag him to the back of the restaurant without being seen and leave him there. You all get in the car and go back to the bosses base.

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