One Day Ago

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One Day ago, or if you want to be precise,  20 years ago, I time traveled.  I spent years and years working on it, each year distancing myself further and further from the ones I loved.  I remember my wife's look when I told her I had figured out how to go back and forward in time, she was worried and frightened at the same time.  I wasn't the same person she married, not the same funny guy that was outgoing. No, what she saw was a man who had rarely eaten or slept in the last four years thinking that he could go wherever he wanted in time. I don't blame her though. After completing the time machine, I knew I had nothing to lose.  I hadn't completely figured out what would happen if someone went through time, and there were hundreds and hundreds of questions pestering my mind. Would I see myself in the future/past?  Am I allowed to interact with past/future me?  Is the timeline affected by me? Will the entire timeline be destroyed if I do this? In a sense, my own world has been destroyed, does it really matter if everyone else's does? I decided to go into the future, wanting to know what would the future have in store for me and the world.  When I traveled, I saw many things I could not explain. It felt as if my body went into another plane of existence.  I time-traveled 20 years into the future, but the journey itself felt like 200 years. It feels like a dream you have and throughout the day, you begin to forget more and more of it. I remember how I was stuck in some sort of infinite desert. There were many sandhills, and they moved in various directions. I felt as if I was in the ocean, but instead of water, it was sand. I always felt like in the air in this place, I hated it. But was it real or all in my head? I guess it's just another question.  All I remember was that one second I was swimming in the sand or whatever you want to call it, and then the next second I'm in a city street. And what I saw shook me.  Buildings everywhere had been destroyed, fire in almost every direction. The sky was filled with black smoke, but every so often you could catch a glimpse of the blue sky between the cracks of smoke.  Nobody was there. I screamed hoping someone might hear me, but all I got in response was my own echo.  "This can't be possible," I thought to myself. After several minutes of trying to get hold of myself, I decided to leave, I should have never have come here. My Time Machine had broken, not sure how though. I should have done more experimenting before sending a prototype out into the future. And then those things showed up. I don't know what they are, but they're not from earth. They look like a human from a distance but getting closer to it, they're the farthest thing from a human. There two-legged creatures, that are rail thin and have fast agility. They have no eye sockets,  or ears. The way they spot people is by using their mouths. They open it wide enough to fit an average human head in it, and somewhere in the mouth some sort of strobing light flashes. And they're looking for me as I write this down. My final message for anyone who is out there, stay safe and be smart. Ithinktheysawme.

One day ago, I found this journal off one of the bodies in a building I was scavenging. Never had the chance to write down my thoughts in a journal, maybe it will help? Also, the entry before this helps give me an in-depth look at the world before I was born. Usually, any bodies I find, I bury them somewhere safe, but this guy...I'm pretty sure he is the cause of everything that happened. Was this man the reason we had the dimension rift opener? I mean it sounds like a far stretch, but think about it. This guy makes a time machine, his wife or someone finds it, sells the idea to some company or whatever, and then makes money off this. This is considered a technological advancement and then leads to more crazy things until things got a little crazy, leading to aliens coming to earth. It might be a far stretch, but could be possible. Or maybe this guy was just another crazy. 

                                                                   The End                

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