The Key to Everything

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Luckily, Descine knew that her father kept science chemicals and powders. She flew to her house with her giant wings and with her Death(Her Sword of dark Magics). She arrived at her house but the main door was locked, seemed like the key was missing. She had to find it, but the city was huge! She felt hopeless but she didn't give up just yet. She went back to the house of her friend to find the "Key of everything". There were demons inside the house, so she drew her Death and opened the door. She saw Amilia, her friend. She was suprised, she dropped her Death and cried. She couldn't stop and she was almost bitten. Suddenly, a boy came and took Descine. He made Descine sleep and took her Death. The boy got the key in a flower pot.

That boy had been Descine's worst rival when she was a little girl who was studying biology...

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