Cliff Burton

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Warnings: none

I walk downstairs after getting ready, wearing black ripped jeans and a misfits shirt. I notice my close friend Cliff sitting on my couch, sipping a beer.

"Hey Cliff." I say


"What're you doing here?" I ask

"Just thought I'd stop by."

"Oh well I've got a few errands to run so I'll be gone for a bit." I say

"That's fine. Wanna jam with the guys later?" He asks

"What? Jam with you?" I ask, confused

"Yea! I've heard you play bass before y/n." He says

"Really?" I roll my eyes

"Yea y/n, I'm not stupid I've heard you play. You're pretty good."

"When have you heard me?"

"Whenever you think I've left you always plug in and play some pretty difficult stuff."

"Oh. Well I'm not sure if I wanna jam with you guys."

"Alright but it'll be fun."

"I'll think about it."

I walk outside and into my car, little did cliff know, my errand was to get a new bass, one I'd been looking at for awhile. It was a black rickenbacker with a shiny finish.

I drove to the guitar store to see if it was still there. I walk in, immediately being greeted by an employee.

"Hello miss how can I help you? Need a ukulele?" He asks

"Erm no." I say

"Alright well let me know." He says, walking away.

I walk straight towards the bass guitars, quickly spotting the one I'd been after. It was beautiful. I pick it up and examine it, making sure there are no cracks or dents. I plug it in, making sure there's no unusual sounds or buzzing and there wasn't. The bass was absolutely perfect.

I grab the bass and some new strings and go to pay. I exit the store, happy with my purchase. I walk to the nearest phone, calling my apartment l, assuming cliff was still there.

"Hello?" I hear him say

"Cliff! Where are you and the guys jamming later?" I ask

"James' place." He says

"Alright great thanks." I say, hanging up

I drive back to my apartment and walk up the steps. I knock on the door and Cliff opens it.

"Can you help me?" I ask


"I need you to help me carry my amp into my car."

"Yea sure." He smiles

I watch as he loads my amp into my car.

"So you decided to come jam with us?" He says

"Yea I guess." I shrug

"We can go now if you want."

"Sure." I nod

He gets into the front seat, hunching over from the size of the seat.

"Sorry." I say

He adjusts the seat to his liking and he started to drive.

"Excited to jam with us?" He asks

"Yea it'll be fun."

"Yea but Lars isn't a great drummer and sometimes he goes real fast."

"I know, I've seen you guys play before." I giggle

We pull up to the house and hear Lars banging on his drums. Cliff and I walk up to the house and knock on the door. We see James open it and rush outside to help us get our equipment in.

"Hey y/n, Cliff said you play bass?" James says

"A little bit." I nervously laugh

We all get inside and set up. I watch them go over a few songs and struggle here and there when Lars sped up the tempo.

"Alright y/n wanna play?" Cliff asks

"I- yea sure."

I take my new bass out of the case and tune it up, plugging it into the amp. I take a deep breath, my hands shakey.

Lars counts us in and James starts to play Seek and Destroy. I join in, my hands effortlessly playing up and down the fretboard. I flip my hair around with the music, playing chords and notes with ease. The song ends, leaving Lars out of breath.

"Holy shit y/n you just played my part better than me." Cliff says

"No way." I shake my head

"Hell yes. Here I wanna teach ya something." He says

He motions for me to sit on a stool and he stands behind me. He takes my hands and places them into a chord and shows me what to do with my other hand.

"Now you just strum like this." He says

I do as he said and it sounded super cool.

"Exactly, just strum more with your nails than fingertips." He says

I do it again and it came out perfect.

"Wow you're like a mini Cliff!" Lars says

"Yea you are like a girl version of Cliff." James agrees

I laugh at the comments. Hours pass and we pack up and leave. Cliff and I go back to my apartment. We get all of the equipment back into my apartment and sit on the couch.

"That was pretty impressive y/n." He says, putting an arm around my shoulder

"Thanks Cliff." I smile

"Yea. Hey I've been meaning to say this for awhile, I really like you." He says

"I like you too Cliff."

He pulls me in for a kiss, gently brushing his lips against mine.

"Be my girlfriend?" He asks

"Of course." I say, leaning into his chest

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