Lime green

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An: this is just a little fluffy piece :)
This one shot is set kinda around the time before civil war, Bucky is super insecure about pretty much everything and I wanted to write something soft and fluffy and yeah. Enjoy :)

"Hey doll" Bucky sits himself down next you on the couch with a drink for you in his hand "what are you doing?"

"Painting my nails. thank you" you say taking the drink from him and smiling as he sat beside you.

"What colour?" He's genuinely interested in
what your doing, still new to the whole concept of relationship he did his best to take interest in everything you did.
Little did you know, it helped him too. Growing up with sisters they'd paint their own nails and seeing you paint yours brought back memories of them. He made a mental note to write it down later. Just in case.

"I was thinking black, with a gold sparkles." You tell him sorting through the bottles, reading the labels.

"What about this one?" He says picking up a lime green polish, that you had bought for a party one time and didn't end up using.

"Really?" You laugh

"Why not?" He asks innocently.

"It's a bit bright"

"I think it'll look nice" he huffs slightly disheartened.

"You know what? Why not" you say taking the bottle from him and shaking it. "Live in the moment huh?" You say smiling at your boyfriend who looked proud of himself with a small smile tugging the corners of his lips.
You lean over and place a kiss on his lips making him blush.

You sit painting your nails, one hand balanced on Bucky's leg, while the other paints the vibrant green on your nails. He watched intently, as though hypnotised by your actions, carful to not move his leg and disrupt you.

"There" you say holding up your hands "what do you think?"  You ask looking up at him.

"I think it's pretty. I like green." You smile at his response and give him another kiss before you start putting that bottles away.

"Wait" he says grabbing your wrist with the polish bottle in gently.

"What's up?

"Will you do mine?" He's shy about asking, his smile drooping slightly as he does.

"What colour babe?" You say taking the bottles out of the box again, not making a fuss over the small request, but your chest was warm with the idea of him finally coming into himself.

"The same as you, I wanna match." he says bashfully resting his head in the crook of your neck as you take his hand in yours and begin to paint them.

"Shit" you mutter wiping excess polish of his nail bed, his head still lay on your shoulder watching, his breath tickling you slightly as he chuckled.

"There you go." You say finishing the top coat on his last nail. "You like it?"

He looks at his hand and smiles, "it's so pretty, I love it."

"I'm glad you like it" you say putting the bottles away for the last time.

As you finish you go to stand up and put the glasses in the sink, but Bucky takes your hand and pull you back down, so your sat on his lap. You watch as Bucky intertwines his painted hand with yours and kisses it gently.

You lay your head on his shoulder and watch as he traces the lines on your hand.

"I love you Bucky" you say quietly

"I love you too angel"

Bucky Barnes x reader  one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now