34 3 1

Hello empty house, you thought as you unlocked the door, exhausted. Though you still had a day ahead of you.

Making your way through the kitchen you saw the clock read 7:57.

"A banana breakfast."
You made your way over to the bananas and ate your usual breakfast.


"Books, books, books, studying, and educational websites and videos. Then I have running and training."
You said as you checked the wall that held your schedule that had been laid out by your guardians. It was normally the same thing every day though, so you didn't really know why you bothered checking.

"Oh, and did I mention books", you mumbled, slightly laughing at your own words.
The smallest things made you laugh; you felt at peace with yourself whenever you were alone. As if nothing could hurt you, as if you could protect yourself. Yourself could protect yourself, you just... needed the right-- mindset? Sure, let's go with that.


"Where, where, where, is he?"

You mumbled as you looked around for the blonde boy's classroom.

Turning into the hall you had been directed to you heard what you would call a, bam boom explosion.

As you got closer to the sound you started to hear bits and pieces of their conversation. "So you wanna be a hero so bad, huh?!" You heard from what seemed to be just down the hall. You hesitantly made your way towards the noise's source, speeding up as your feet made you closer.

You arrived to the source of the noise, a blank expression on your face as you viewed the scene, as you watched it unfold. I should stop this, you thought as you knocked on the doorframe.

"If you think you'll get the blessing of a quirk in your next-" He was interrupted by your fist crashing into the doorframe. The first couple knocks didn't do anything, and you wanted to make sure everyone in that room heard you. That was a bold move.

You looked down at your knuckles; you saw them get red as they slowly started to bleed. Though all eyes were on you once you looked up, you remained quiet.
You looked at the doorframe and saw that nothing had happened. The school is probably built for that.

Looking back at the others in the room, you realized you didn't know what to do now.
All you knew was that some sort of anger was being slowly poured into you.

Katsuki reverted his gaze towards you as he saw your expression change to one he'd never seen before. You looked at the standing boys, motioning for them to leave the room. Katsuki's "friends" just looked at him with an 'is she serious' expression.

"Let's go", the blonde boy's voice spoke. He grabbed his friends' shirts and dragged his out of the room as he left too.

Once they were out you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"Umm... t-thank you", you heard a voice speak from the other side of the room.
You made your way to the boy, this time a little less hesitant.

Standing, you looked at his features. Green fluffy hair, a couple freckles here and there, and bright green eyes.

It was Deku.
He didn't look to much different but time still changed a couple things.
You didn't know much about the boy other than the remarks you heard from Bakugo.
You had ran into him two times before so that had to count for something.

"No problem I guess." There was a pause before you asked a question that had been nagging at the back of your mind.

"Does he do this a lot? You know... treat you this way?" You asked as your voice cracked a bit, not really understanding the question that left your mouth.

He looked you in the eyes, seeing concern.

He stood up, not knowing how to answer your question. To him, it seemed however he answered your question it would end in explosions.

"I should probably go get my book. Thank you Y/n."

He would have hugged you if Bakugo hadn't been glaring at him from down the hall. So he just walked towards the doorframe where this whole encounter had started, and practically sprinted down the hallway.


Hi guys! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and I apologize for the wait. 😅

There should be one more chapter before you get information about her quirks. (Yes, you read it right)

BUT you with get more of a backstory later in the story.


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