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I was about 5 years old when my parents found out I took over the cursed technique of the Shiraki clan.

My clan had always been one of the strongest, only in the last few decades my clan had almost gone extinct. No new children were born with the cursed technique, until me.

The news spread quickly, Ryu Shiraki the last child to take over the cursed technique. But with all that came a lot of pressure.
My parents forced me to train everyday, trying to harvest my new powers in the best way possible.

The Shiraki technique was Thunder manipulation, which meant with enough practice I would be able to manipulate lightning.

The only problem was, I had no idea how to. Every other Shiraki had been able to get a grasp of the technique within a year of developing it, except for me.

Day in day out I tried my best to make my parents and elders proud. But after another day of failing, the faces of my parents grew colder and colder.

After falling down of exhaustion my mom slapped me across the face "I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING! A ROOF TO SLEEP UNDER, FOOD AND WATER. BUT THIS IS WHAT I GET IN RETURN?"


Those words, to this day were engraved in the back of my mind. After that day it didn't take long for my parents to throw me out.

For days I lived on the streets with little to no food. Until a boy, who was probably still in high school himself with white hair and some weird sunglasses found me.

"Supp, what's your name little one?"

I looked up at him with a questioning expression.

"Come on you can trust me" He crouched down in front of me. "I'm Satoru Gojo, nice to meet you" He gave me a wide smile, he looked kind of dumb.

"I'm Shiraki Ryu" I answered after staring at him for a while.

"Nice to meet you Ryu, so the Shiraki clan huh? I bet your parents left you, must suck." He responded back.

Does this boy have any compassion? I wondered. 
"How old are youu, Ryu?" He asked me with an annoying voice.

"6 years old"

"Hmmm let's see, you seem like the gloomy type I bet you'd get along with Megumi."

"Let's go kiddo i'll get you something to eat."

And that's how I started living with Gojou Satoru. He learned me how to use my technique, turns out i actually did have a lot of potential. In a way he actually was a good father figure to me, even tho sometimes he made my blood boil with annoyance. 

As he had predicted you and Megumi got along very well.

"Alright that's great for now, in a year you'll be starting at Jujutsu High."

"They really grow up so fast" Gojo said while wiping away a fake tear.

"Yea and you get older by the day too" I said while walking away.

"Ouch hey! Ryu why are you so harsh on me" He said with a puppy face

"Maybe if you weren't so much of a pain in the ass i'd be nice" I gave him a fake smile.

"Oh come on you love me and you know it" He said while putting an arm around my shoulder.

I tried to punch him in the stomach but got stopped by his infinity.

"Oops looks like you missed" He said while sticking out his tongue.

"I hate you"

"Love you too Ryu"

Hey everyone, I have had this idea for quite some time now and i thought I'd finally give it a try. I will go more in debt with her technique in the next chapter, which is also where Yuta will show up. I hope you all liked this, i'll try to update as frequently as I can but I am a little busy with school so bare with me!

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