The festival pt 3

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(Possible spicy- idk)

     You heard someone coming down the was striker you where a bit startled at first until you realized it was him "Oh sorry little lady didn't mean to scare ya" he said noticing you where a bit startled "oh its ok it's hella dark down here" you replied your heart was jumping out of your chest " why are you down here..." you asked "Oh they said you where going to be down here looking for the tools so I thought I might as well help" he replied with a slight chuckle "oh...ok.." you responded a bit curious on why he wanted to help you both begain searching for the tool box you noticed in that Strikers eyes where glowing in the dark you thought that his eyes where a little odd because they had odd rings but they where also very pretty because of how light green they where "Oh..I found it" you held up the tool box.... "oh grate...lets go give it to those folks of yours" you both start to walk to the stairs when striker stopped you....."um striker is there a...problem"...striker lifts your head you to look at him..he was really close to you by now practically touching you where blushing really hard and you where confused he got closer he was about to...kiss you..."HEY DID YOU GUYS FIND THE TOOL BOX" your older brother shouted "YA WE KINDA NEED IT" your older sister who is the twin of your older brother shouted after him striker stopped what he was doing gave one quick look to you and Smiled befor walking up the stairs "ya we found it" striker stood there holding the tool box confused on what just happened
         "~WHAT IN THE ACTUALLY FUCK WAS THAT WAS HE ABOUT TO KISS ME HOLY SHIT~" once you calmed down you walked up the stairs and gave them the tool box before walking back inside where you went Into the kitchen and panicked- Millie walked in and saw you panicking "Oh Y/n what happened" millie asked a bit concerned "i....I have no idea" explained a little to milie but you where making no sense...millie didn't understand "Y/n I'm going to go help fix the car how about you get some water then exsplain to me what happened later" millie then walked away you took her advice and grabbed some water and drank it...."I...I really need to calm down"...."I should get ready for the festival now...."....(😏 "that's kinda hot"‐blitzo pt 6 will come out later)

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